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Night Linear I

kasey wilson

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KC, I'm not expert on night shots, but IMHO this is excellent. I love the feeling of emptiness and loneliness you've captured. The tones and lighting are, in my opinion, just right, and I love the reflection in the puddle.
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Thanks, Steve! I could not resist taking this picture, even though I did not have my tripod with me. It is not as sharply clear as I would have liked, but trying to sharpen it in PS made it too noisy for my tastes. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks! :) KW
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I see what you mean. Anyways, this is a nice shot. You have an excellent POV as well as all the elements that Steve mentioned. Nicely done.
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I as well like the emptiness.I tried my hand on your shot I hope you do not mind?Nice light temps in this they look like mercury vapor lamps.If you are ok with my version let me know and i'll give you the settings used?

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Kasey the original has great componants and some great lines, but Sterling, how did you do that? I would love to know. can it be done to anything?:) Cheers Cole
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Well once I read what you had tried and said that the noise was not to your liking I had to be careful of what I posted.1st i went into reduce noise and 5,61,77 ,while in reduce noise went to the channels (under advanced) and sharpened all the channels @ 65%, then i went into unsharp mask@ 78,1.0,2.Those numbers are from top to bottom.If you have any questions about how I went about this let me know .I am just happy you like it and were not offended@ my attempt .I feel awkward working on other PN members images as I do not want someone to think that i think they are not good enough.May i ask where this is and the name of the structure?And Kolby this can be done to many images but each image is uniquely different so the means and approach to go about it are different image specific.PS and PSP are large programs with many options and means of approach to editing images.
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You know what, Sterling, I don't even know what this is! I believe it is part of a hotel. It's in Buckhead, Atlanta. I saw it in passing and made my husband turn the car around so I could go back and photograph it. :D


I certainly don't mind you working on my photos! I am always interested in seeing other's interpretations or improvements. Besides that, you did fabulous work on it! How could I be offended?! ;) KW

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At first I was going to talk about a tripod, but I've seen you talked about it already; the composition is excellent, you could try to play a little with white balance, try setting it manually just to get the exact cast you want. As for the rest I believe you can see clearly that wet pavement works amazingly well for architectural shots, whenever you can, try it.
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Thanks for commenting on my photo, Juan Carlos. I think, an another rainy night, I will try to shoot this again...With a tripod! :) KW
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Thanks, John. I guess I won't be able to re-shoot this one after all... But, definately a learning experience! :) KW
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