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Trail to the Light


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Any thoughts or comments are greatly appreciated! I would especially

like some comparisons of the crops/alternate compositions in the

same folder. Thanks for viewing my work!

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Composition is ok, although if you were framing with the grass, you might have come in a little closer. On the other hand you could say in terms of thirds it works. The colors and light are really nice. About the only thing I would make as a suggestion, the horizon is not straight and the lighthouse is slightly tilted.


Please see a correction I've attached. I just rotated by 1 degree.

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Hey Bob...thanks for your comments! I appreciate your input. When you say "come in closer" do you mean zoom in or walk up closer to the sea oats? I elected this focal length and distance because I was going for a "lead your eye down the trail to the lighthouse" wide angle type appeal while at the same time trying to have a long enough focal length that the lighthouse isn't too small. It is a tough goal since the lighthouse it about 1/3 of a mile from me where I am. About the horizon...I think you may be right, there could be a slight tilt. However, be careful judging things by this lighthouse, it REALLY is tilted several degrees! It is falling into the sea, which is why they just started stabilization of this historic structure last week. If you get this, please clarify if you think I should move closer to the sea oats or just zoom in more--I am very interested in your composition ideas. Thanks again for your input.
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My comment is based on the vast sand in the foreground. But, this is just my opinion. Having said that, I might try to actually get closer to the grass and keep the same amount of grass on the left and the right. I hope I'm not saying this in a negative way, I like the shot, I just offer this as one who is unexperienced but learning. I appreciate you comments back as well. This helps me understand the composition.


Regarding the horizon, I do think it could stand to be corrected by about 1 degree, regarless of the lighthouse tilt. You'll see in my correction the tower is still slightly leaning but the horizon is more natural (again I don't mean to offend). Cheers.

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Bob--No offense taken at all! I greatly appreciate your time and thoughts. Regardless of your experience, you have a valuable opinion that I'm sure is shared by many other objective people. I understand what you are saying about the sand. I was kind of thinking of making this one of the classic shots where a trail leads your eye to a main subject but this isn't turning out like I picture it in my head. I think it's because of the focal length. I wondered for a year how people took those pictures until I got my wide angle lens. Suddenly, I saw how they obtained a strong foreground and the "path" through the picture effect. I think I'm too close to the sand for the viewer to tell that it is a path...it sort of looks like a beach instead of a winding path. Please check out the other crops and compositions that I posted in the same folder from this shooting session. I have many other frames that differ as well. Please let me know if you see anything that is closer to the composition you have in mind. I shoot a ton of frames when I get to a spot so I have many, many compositions. I think this may just be a tough setting for the shot I have in mind because of the distance the lighthouse is away. However, I'm sure there are many pleasing compositions that can be shot and I appreciate your help in identifying them! Thanks for your thoughts and opinions...I have to do some reading for surgery tomorrow now but I will certainly stop by your portfolio and do my best to return the favor when I have a spare minute.
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having been there many times as you know, i appriciate the sand because it seems like you have to trudge through it forever before you get to the dunes. it balances for me. if i were to crop anything it would be from the top to just above the sea grass on the right. also the little bits of vegetation on the right side sort of ruin the sand effect.


ps. if you don't mind from now on, i'm asking for ratings on submissions (i'm not submitting for critique only). thanks, J.K.

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JK--You hit the nail on the head with many of the thoughts I've had with this shot. I do like the lighthouse/horizon higher in the shot. When I was shooting, I saw the cloud divisions and figured I'd include them in most compositions and crop later. As you know, I like colorful skies to it breaks my heart to crop out the layers of color in the sky but I believe you are right--it is a better composition that way. I have a crop exactly how you stated which I thought I posted but just realized I did not--I'll get it posted. I also agree about the vegetation to the right...I also cropped that out in the other version. I'll get it posted so please check back in a day or two (I'm on call all night tonight and will work until mid-day tomorrow then sleep). I'll definitely be by to rate your photos...ratings don't tell you much BUT, it does keep your picture visible on top rated photos which gives you exposure and gets more comments. Posting for ratings is good as long as you don't expect objective ratings. Take care buddy!
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