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North tower Golden Gate Bridge


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simply one of the most remarkably beautiful and unique photographs i've ever laid eyes on....it's late, but i'll be back!
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I isolated the elements of the north tower on the Golden Gate Bridge with a 450mm lens. The

moon rises close to the bridge this time of year

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It's tough to find a photo of an overdone subject like the GG bridge that's unique, but you've done it (and done it very well!) Kudos!
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Hey Ronald, this rendition is so under-rated by our P.N. peers. I am impressed with the rich contrasting colors. This looks more like a color pencil drawing than a photo. I believe this could be evidence that the average P.N. patron has no clue what good photo art is. Maybe a naked woman photoshopped somewhere in the image would have helped the ratings. This is a remarkable catch. All the best,



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Thanks for commenting my photo so that I could find my way here and enjoy this most remarkable capture. Truly outstanding. Congratulations!
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truer words never spoken marks...this is truly remarkable. i'd add a couple of things to the naked woman. she must be holding a cat in one arm...a puppy in the other, and have oversaturated water lilies in her hair.
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That's a very fresh look at a bridge very commonly photographed. Did I said I like the picture?.....Well, I do!
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Captivating image. Beautiful tones and composition. This is clearly a one of a kind capture. It should be all 7/s.
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