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Nude and Erotic

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There are way too many flaws to mention but since evidently I am the only one who sees them then I just allow you enjoy your moment!
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I am only a beginner, can't see flaws. If you achieve what you are trying to do, flaws dont matter or exist. I like it!

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

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I think the light is woonderful...I would have preferred a little more light in the lower portion of the body to show the breasts fully to give completeness to the picture...
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There are way too many flaws? I'm interested to know which are! I wait your suggestions.

Thanks in advance Haleh.


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I would like to see this redone without the underwear. It looks as if her body is cut in two - also it cuts into her skin making bulges on the side. Her feet and toes look happy while head in hands looks sad. Maybe she could relax her legs a little.

Good concept.

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Ciao Fabrizio. L'idea che hai avuto nell'usare questo gioco di luci creando il contrasto chiaro scuro 蠭olto buona e vincente. L'unica cosa che secondo me potrebbe dare un po' fastidio (ma forse 蠵n effetto da te voluto) 蠬'accentuata saturazione che evidenzia sulla gamba e sulla spalla destra gli effetti di compressione del formato jpeg (che si traducono in quelle chiazze di colore molto evidenti) andando a togliere omogeneitࠡll'insieme. Ti consiglierei di provare a ricalibrare saturazione e/o contrasto al fine di ottenere una distribuzione pi� omogenea della tonalitࠤi colore sul corpo della modella.



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As I mentioned I am not going to rain on your parade. I just have such high expectations of images that get such recognition.
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Ho visto la tua galleria e ho trovato molti bei lavori, ma davvero ti devo confessare di non riuscire a capire perch蠱uesta immagine abbia avuto tanto successo. L'editing mi sembra artificioso, la posa poco originale,e trovo anch'io un po' fastidiosa la presenza della lingerie. Pedonami, di solito non mi piace criticare negativamente le foto che vedo, ma questa volta sono davvero disorientato.




I saw your gallery and I found many good works inside it, but I must admit that I don't manage to realize why this image is so successful. The editing is cheap, the pose is not original, and the underwear is a bit ditracting in my opinion too. I am very sorry, I am not used to negatively ctiticizing works I see on this site, but this time I am really puzzled.

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