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just mirorred an original shoot, I am sitting home, cannot make new pictures at the moment, so when I have some energy I play around

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At the moment, I am not able to make pictures outside, and when I

have some energy, I look at my old pictures, and try to create a new

thing, what do you think? comments are very welvome


....with love Els

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He Rycho, this PN is becoming more funnier and funnier, don't you think... fisrt all kind off 3/3 rat(er)s, and you anonimous give me a 7/7 (thanks) and then it stops.... my fantasy is going nuts.... but what can we do, just try to be !!!! sometimes it stops at 4 anonymous.... or am I acting paranoia ;D


with love Els

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Good to see you Dorota, and I try to be good, only for positive things ;D


Thanks Jef, sometimes it is important to create something new, when you are not able to make something new, thankssss for the phantasyworld, sometimes it is good to escape a little bit from the real world


with love Els



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Hi Elllls...I have given up the ratings...it has nothing to do with our visions and our art...this is quite amazing and fantastic. It needs no ratings to tell you that....


Here at PN, we ask for ratings then we reject when they give them to us. We are asking people to judge us who don't understand who we are or where we've come from....how can we expect them to appreciate our life and art??

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My special LLLLLLLLLinda, wise and very true words, like you my friend, you are more then special to me, my inspiration and much more


with love Els

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Elsi, what an interesting image! unusual as always with your special observation.


I gave up rating too, and I very much agree with Linda. I ask for rating only for visibility, it can be 3/3 or 7/7, only comments are really important.


How are you my friend?

Hugs Pnina

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Dear PNina, I know comments are much more important, but sometimes it is also very frustating, and then ahhhhhhhh you know, it is just in normal life, but what frustrate me the most is this anonymous....

And I am slowly going better, it is hard, it will take months, but my spirit is also coming back, to create, and I take day by day, and it is 2 steps forward and 1 step back, so finaly I will be Elsi again, dancing and drinking life again... seeing the beauty in little things,


with a lot of love to you my friend and a big hug

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Elsi, it is still one step back , and TWO forward, so it is gaining ONE step more for forward!! ;-))
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Els,definitely original and creative image,though bit scary for an old man like me:-) Please do not pay any attention to rating, which are intended either to boost or deflate our egos.You are a courageous girl with a big smile and heart. I sincerely pray that 'Let there be Light & Delight' in your life.
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Dear Amal, perhaps you are an old man, but for sure very young in heart, and don't be scary, new species are not by definition dangerous ;D... always love your special comments, they are for sure more worth then any number


with love Els

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Hi Kirk, I am very happy with your frequent visits, thank you for that, and also for your special comment under my portfolio



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One thing I always love is your creativity and sense of fun. Keep making us smile, Els...it's good for us all! :)
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I could say eggs-actly the same to you, so let's do it: One thing I always love is your creativity and sense of fun. Keep making us smile, Els (just hussle the letters so Les) ...it's good for us all! :)



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