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When given the lot in life to sprout and grow on life's rocky surface, use the inner strength to learn to adapt.

A strong will allows one to blossom.

Not only is this flowering plant thriving in this rocky environment, those of you that have seen my backyard know I sometimes have a waterfall after a heavy rain..... This plant lives where hundreds of gallons of water per minute can rush down one day, and within the week be 100 degrees and bone dry.

While all of it's fellow plants grow in soft soil, this one has the strength to adapt to living on a rock.

Strength - - The ability to adapt

~~Gray Beard

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Dennis, this is a great observation and testimony to the strength of life. Your story makes it even more remarkable. I find it amazing that life always seems to find a way where you least expect it, but to survive such sudden changes and harsh conditions, even more amazing.
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Guest Guest


Very well thought out Dennis... aka big grasshopper.. lol. Nice details... the composition couldn't be more perfect for this subject.... in my opinion at least :)
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Guest Guest


I like the delicacy of the thin gray lines against the hardness and solidity of the rock, the way those stems catch the light against the blackness, the way the cracks in the rock echo the movement and design of the stems, the way the moss catches the light, the softness of the background evident in the black part of the photo, giving it so much richness and depth.
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Not only a touching tribute, but a truely complete composition. The prespective that this was shot, the background, the angles. Well done.
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Yikes we almost did the same shot - 'cept mine was a little tree. This is so beautiful. Such a tiny delicate flower and yet it had the strength and stamina to go forth and conquer - even through a rock! Like a true Warrior! Excellent "strength" shot!
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Thanks... I tried to stay close to home, use nature, really enjoy the small things around us. Jan, my second choice was using a ol' gnawly oak tree... but I'm happy I went the way I did... Bob, thanks again.
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Hi Dennis, Sometimes strength is right in front of us and we dont even see it. I love this idea...and would have never thought of it myself, but you are so right on. Great composition and I love the darkness behing the delicate looking flowers. Leanna:O)
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I am also very impressed by the DOF and background. The darkness really sets off the little yellow flowers and serves to remind us that those little flowers are so fleeting. What a beautiful composition.
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I am curious what you had to do to achieve such great light on the flowers and rock and have a stark black background, when I look at this however, I wish that I were looking those tiny flowers straight on, instead of from a side view, just a thought
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at this time of the year from around 5 pm till dark or sunrise to around 8 am, Ma Nature provide the magic light. I could have shot this from straight on with the 70-300mm, but going after the strength of the plant anchoring itself in the rocks..Plus the moss and the ravine (dark area) provide the contrast I wanted. The ravine is about 12 feet deep so the darkness work well...all in Ma Nature's studio...
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Really I'm sitting here trying to save this poor little flower from growing to far over the edge of the rock.


I never understood how they grow like this.


Your photo is a great example of how a flower (a simple flower) can grow in anything and survive.


Thank you for sharing this with us.


Oh... and as far as a great picture. You never we stom amazing me how clear and crisp a picture you can take! Envy ~ sorry I know it is a sin but I have it :) ~ micki

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Dennis, it's interesting how some of the most delicate things are the strongest. I thought of taking a picture of a spider web. Like this plant, it's so strong, yet so fragile. I really appreciate the idea. Regards, Oliver
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Great classic nature shot, Dennis. A delicate plant in an inhospitable environment. Very good texture in the rock and good color and background.
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Good morning, Gray Beard! Nice bio pic, by the way. :) I love your interpretation of strength. I also see it as the strength to hold on...it dares to reach out over the edge and hang by what looks like delicate threads. This is a good reminder that even the tiniest things are often stronger than we may think. I love the diagonal lines of this composition and the little stems and flowers over the dark.
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Just read my emails - glad to inspire... I sure love this shot. WEre you ever in any danger of going over into that deep dark chasm? It looks pretty close!
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Only if God decides it's time for that hunk of rock to break off! And it's only about 12 feet down... Thanks Jan for reminding me to look for the small, insignificant things to enjoy along with the glorious creations in the world...
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super image I like how the rock and plant are so well lit but there is no background distraction, its amazing what can take root and grow on a rock. well done Rich.
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It brings to mind the saying....or at least one that has been said to me not long ago...."We all have our time out on the ledge, make it what you can using your inner strength" Just look what nature can do out on that ledge!


Thank you for this very well composed and inspirational shot.


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What great timing for natures lighting. Its perfect. I love how each of the stems are highlighted against the background.


Terrific idea, completely satifies the title.



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Another Warrior risks his life for the sake of art!!

I think you have captured the title wonderfully well. The frailness of the flower, the harshness of its environment and yet its still in flower, soaking up the rays.

Well done to both you and nature...


HOWEVER...coming here I kept saying.."Please be lightening..."



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I gotta echo Ger's comments a little... I love your lightning shots, and hope someday I can get something even remotely close to being as good.


This photo is fantastic! I love the contrast from the left to the right, the textured rock face to the near black background.


Details and meaning in this photo are second to none.

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