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Ger, great image very moody I really like it, the B&W processing is super. I'm not sure on the strength theme are we saying the strength of the sea/nature?. Regards Rich.



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Ok, bit of a story behind this image. I was thinking what to shoot and had several ideas and this storm started on Friday...Great I thought I'll shoot that. So I headed off in the car and stopped at this beach where I knew these posts where going into the sea.

Grabbed all my gear and walked about 500m up the beach. Took a few test shots and found my place. I setup all my gear and waited for the water to come nearer.

It didn't take long as the wind was really strong.

At first they were just little waves coming around my feet but before I knew it one came in over my boots and a good bit up my legs.

Now this beach basically has a cliff behind it and this has been filled with concrete to prevent it falling and the tide really fills it.

I knew I was under pressure. I was in the middle of nowhere, it was almost dark, there was a storm and no one knew where I was...

I few more shots and I knew I had to get out of there but still kept telling myself the way back would be fine. So I packed my gear and began a quick walk back up the beach. I found myself in water up to my knees and climbing over rocks to get back.

5 minutes more and I think I would have been in a bit of trouble but I made it back and got a shot i'm happy enough with however I think the sky needs more to it.

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The strength of the storm

The strength of the posts to withstand the force of the water over time and the strenght of the water to eat the wood.

I hoped the waves would look bigger but to be honest it was just way too dangerous.



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If you look at my portfolio only probably 80% OF MY LANSCAPE pictures have these types of things n them as I absolutely love the lines they make as the sun sets. The shadows they make as the sun hits them. The waves ripple as they go around them and the way they just look all lined up in the water.


See we have had TWO major hurricanes here in FLORIDA in this area that have wiped out houses not unlike the hurricane that hit Louisianna.


This area was devestated and the house we lived in for six months was gone when we we returned torn apart by a hurricane.


SO, when I see these things out in the ocean like this I KNOW THAT THEY ARE STRONG because they have lived throught the strnength of anything!






COLOR and everything! I love it! I am glad you are safe! Blows my hair sitting here. I knew in an instant when I saw it what it was and you didn't have to explain it.


I would love to see this same shot without the wind and clouds. ~ micki

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Ger, It so easy to leave it to late and get stuck, sounds like you timed it just right and you got a great image!!!! so well done. Rich.
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Don't forget the strength and energy of the photographer in making this image! This is a really beautiful picture. Not to take anything away from it, I would like to see larger waves to add to the impact of the strength of the water. I realize you probably had to use a slower shutter speed depending on the weather conditions and the time constraints of knowing you had to get out of there. The moon is in perfect alignment with the posts. I don't know if you planned that or not, but either way it's a success. The clouds at the top of the frame show a certain fierceness that you usually only see when a strong storm is approaching. Overall, this is a great picture that you created--Jason
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Guest Guest


Great image. This photo has a great mood. I see it not as gritty (as was your self portrait) but as somber and kind of regal (the stately posts). I actually feel calm from the water as I look at this scene, especially the way the light shines on it. The grace of the gradation from lights to darks is wonderful. I like the sky as is because it mirrors the water and also gives me a sense of peace. I love the composition because I feel the curve of the posts leading me right to the shining light in the sky.


I'd like to feel more of the texture and detail of the posts. (Surprise, surprise!) Of course, that means this would have to have been shot a little earlier and some of the resulting lighter areas would then have to have been made darker. But for me that would make it a better and deeper photograph. An alternative would be to check into different methods of doing "day for night" processing if you are gravitating toward doing darker and moodier shots. Shooting in daylight and creating your own "night" can allow for detail in dark areas instead of less interesting silhouettes. By shooting with more light and decreasing it in the darkroom, you can create subtlety, texture, and richness of darks that will often give you a photo you will want to keep coming back to and that you might get more out of over time.

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I am speechless! ya ya - Okay - I'll try to find some words. It's so beautiful - where do I begin. It's magical. The strength of the light on the water is perfect and reflects an incoming brooding storm - so well done! The fact that those piers are still standing after how many storms???? Simply incredible. I bow down. I am in awe. I don't often give 7/7 but this is a 10/10 image! You are so talented!
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I was so in awe of the photo I forgot to say - thank goodness you're okay!! I too have been caught in a tide and was afraid I would not get back - water up to my thighs - Whew! it is scary. Boy what some people do for a photo! You are a true Warrior!! Congratulations on a most amazing shot!
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Ger, this is incredible. I love the interpretation of strength. I don't see calm, but roiling, dangerous water and an ominous sky. I see a maelstrom! The posts stand strong amidst the chaos, for now.


The composition and exposure is fantastic. The danger you put yourself in, please don't do that again, ok?

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My daughter Shannon was just asking me tonight what would happen if the moon "went away" and I was picturing all of the oceans calm and still. Then I came in and logged on and saw your image. This is an image with tremendous depth, yet very simple and easy to look at. This is superb. Well done, my friend!
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Ger, this is fantastic. The 'strength of the natural world' comes through very well. This has an interesting element of time also. A beautiful shot. Regards, Oliver
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Ger, I see the whirling sea and the gathering clouds. I also see the strength you found in that which can stand up to the sea and survive. I'm glad you got the shot, but more glad to hear you're ok. I'd have been worried about getting my camera wet! :) Nicely done.



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The future. Perhaps thousands of years from now...perhaps tomorrow. Mother nature, once again, has taken back what is rightfully hers. Through her wisdom, she has seen that the time has come. Through her strength, she has made it so. A new beginning is on the horizon. One full of promise and endless possibilities. One that no human will see. But man will not fade quietly. He was born of this earth and shall ever remain a part of it. It is mans most primitive strength that will ensure his existance will forever be remembered by a solitary witness.


Hope I didn't bore you.

This could not be improved.

Cheers, Ger.

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Ger, an absolutely stunning shot with great light and composition. Again not easy to do. Though I love the image, it doesn't say "Strength" to me. I don't get the feeling that the pilings are stnding up to a battering. Actually, I find this quite a serene image - done by a fine photographer.
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In my opinion.

I know you live where there are no Huricanes. I'm not sure where GER lives exactly or where he took this but obviously they have major storms.

We had two major devestating hurricanes here in FLORIDA/Alabama that took away homes and cost BILLIONS of dollars. So the fact that these pieces of man made constructed wood that used to be part of a pier/boat docks are still standing make them STRONG. The fact that he took them during a storm shows their strength.

I am giving you a link to several of a long line of bottom of piers/boat docks here that tops have been ripped off. My picture is not way as good. But to me this really showed strength. More to me than probably most because of the connection to the meaning and what I constantly take pictures of almost on a daily basis. Basically because that is all there is left to take pictures of as there are no more boat docks or piers left.
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that one big wave coming in at the back of the image and I think man.. how many more of those can these wooden piers take?! Amd I'm covering my ears because at any second I'm going to hear the crash of that wave and it's likely gonna be loud. My two cents...
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I love the shot, I see the strength, and I love the treatment.

The crop is very nice, I like the space in the foreground.


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Beautiful image! It is easy to get lost in the moment when trying to get just the right shot. I am glad you came to your senses and got out of there when you did. This shot is great. I love the wave coming in the distance and the way the old peirs look like sets of legs waiting in a line.. a very interesting image.
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Not sure there's much to pick on with your handling of this. A lot of ways to sit this one up and shoot it, a lot of ways to treat the lighting. You found one that works... Strength of the tones is what makes this for me...

~~Gray Beard

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Richard Thanks for the comment. Yea, the tide comes in fast when your not watching it.

Micki, I?m glad you liked it. I?m glad you understood it, looks like some people didn?t get it. Probably my fault, I didn?t get enough of the storm I needed more water but didn?t have the time

Jason, your right and as I said above, that was the plan it just wasn?t possible

Fred, I hear you baby?I wanted to bring out more detail and was going to get a flash. I had a stand for the flash with me but the waves were strong and I couldn?t hold both the tripod and the flash stand so I ditched the flash idea.

Jan?u speechless I doubt that. I?m glad you got one of the message I was intending to make with this image.

John You see calming. Then in your eyes I totally failed. Least you see them in the posts, I was getting worried there!!

KellenThanks very much for your kind words.

OliverThanks very much, glad you connected with it.

LeslieWouldn?t say I stood up, I walked off instead of ran off as I kept telling myself to be calm.


RogerThanks for your comments?Dang it you don?t get strength from it either?? Do you live by the sea (I?m hoping no!!) Micki obviously does. But as said above I didn?t have the time to capture the waves the way I wanted to..

JanisThanks for your kind words

LyndsayCouldn?t put it better myself

DennisThank you very much

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An artist has to suffer for his work! A lot of effort to get this and was well worth it. Congrats.
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