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© Copyright © Paul Fisher 2002.

Corellas in bushfire


Composite done in Paintshop Pro 7. Background sky taken with Canon Digital Ixus, corellas with Nikon FG.


© Copyright © Paul Fisher 2002.

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This is a composite of two photos, the background sky taken with my

Canon Digital Ixus, and the birds with a Nikon FG. The birds were

just settling down for the night. I quite like the composition of the

birds arrayed in the branches, but the sky was a featureless washed-

out blue. The background is part of a day-break panorama I shot from

my front step one morning. At first I thought there was an enormous

fire, but it was just this amazing sunrise.


Comments and ratings would be appreciated. Thankyou.

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When a wonderful photo is wonderful it does not matter how you photoshop,manipulate etc. etc. to obtain it.

This is really a good work.

Probably a bit too emphatised but really impressive !!

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Well done, and a very tasty example of dishing up a red hot sandwich by simultaneously developing two films on a BBQ:)
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This was a, better photo, before PS.

No it wasn't - I took it (rather I took them) and I know it was not a better photo. Anyhow I didn't use PS (Photoshop) I used Paint Shop Pro.

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Highly creative composite, Paul. From the thumbnail I also thought it was the real thing. Fiery - I see this sort of thing in dreams sometimes. Cheers.
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