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A walk in the woods - vertical

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Vertical or horizontal - Does a landscape with a path have more

impact as a vertical or a horizontal format?

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No hard rules, Hanna. In this case I think I prefer the vertical because of the framing effect of the trees, and probably fewer distracting elements. Excellent subdued light.
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To some degree I think the angle or direction of the path would dictate either a horizontal or a vertical shot. Had the direction of this path have been from lower left to upper right for instance, I would have gone for a horizontal shot. In the horizontal you presented for comparison, because of the direction of the path I don't find myself wanting to explore the right hand portion of the image, whereas in the vertical, I'm led up the path and then to explore the criss cross of the canopy branches. I'm left to wonder where the path is leading but I'm not curious at all about what may be to the right of the big foreground tree. As you have done here, best to shoot it both ways and sort it out later - good lesson.
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The vertical format lays out the path for you and entices you to follow it, with the crossed branches acting like arrows to emphasize it. No visible alternative is presented so you don't even think of one. I guess it's easy because the decision is made for you. In the horizontal version, not only are the crossed branches cropped off, but the space to the right is at least a distraction and possibly a tempting alternative to the more adventurous. For me it causes a slight unease and destroys the tranquility. Thanks for your input Jim. You made me think about it. I guess Roger put it in a nutshell - "fewer distracting elements".
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