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The King & Queen Buildings, Sandy Springs GA

kasey wilson

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I'm sorry about that. I just looked a little more closely at this and actually measured it. To me there seems to be a slight lean to the right on this, I guess it's because of the way the light is hitting the left side of the building. It is actually playing tricks with my mind here because even after I measure it and know that it is truely straight, it looks like it's leaning. I'm sorry if I offended you, you have a very sharp eye, and I apologize. Best Regards, Bob
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I wasn't offended. It DOES kinda look like it's leaning a bit to the right. That's actually a common error in lots of my pictures... :) KW
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It does lean,but thats an easy ps fix. I can let you know how if you want. It'll take you about 5 sec to do. Aside from that, I really like this one. Your best version of these buildings IMHO.The terrific sky is the reason.
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Thanks , Joe. Of course I want to know how to fix it! This was one of the fist shots I took of these buildings... Also one of the first I worked on in PS. Can you tell that they hold a certain fascination for me?! LOL! ;) KW
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okay-on your toolbar pallete ,go to the eyedropper tool and use the drop down arrow to reveal the measuring tool. Find a horizontal or vertical line. In this case the vertical side of the building.Start at the bottom,click and drag a line along the edge. Then go to the top -image -rotate canvas-arbitrary. Ps will tell you how crooked it is and which way you would like to rotate it. Here it would be Counter Clockwise. Just click and ps does the work. If you are not satisfied just repeat the steps. You will have to recrop a little -you will see why. Very easy to do though.
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great shot Kasey! i was immediately drawn to it, as i passed this building on my way to Charleston (via Augusta) a couple of weeks ago. it was still dark at the time...and i was dying to stop, but even at this time of day...well, you know Atlanta traffic... great PS work as well!


p.s. as for the lean thing... i have an astigmatism that gives everything a slight lean, so i have to be careful too. another thing to consider... (i learned this as a landscape designer for several years)...at times something can be perfectly straight, but for varying reasons can appear to be crooked. when appearance is paramount...make it crooked so it will appear to be straight. works with trees...works with photographs! in the Kase of this shot, it actually WAS crooked...but that's not always the Kase. (couldn't resist the Korney pun) :)

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Thanks for the comment, John! Beautiful buildings, are they not? :) I have moved from Atlanta now, farther north to Illiois, and I miss it very much! Maybe not the traffic, though... ;)


As far as things in my images being crooked, they look straight to me when I shoot them! I see the crookedness after uploading. I have tried to become more aware of horizon lines and such when composing my images, but all I can say is, thanks goodness for PP tools! KW


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