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the leaves are preparing to leave


306_6_001v.jpg; [x]Velvia100; [_]kodakEB5 [x]m6; [_]24/2.8asph; [_]28/2asph; [_]35/2asph; [_]50/1.4asph; [x]triElmar[x]28-[_]35-[_]50asph; [_]visoflex/lupe,[_]elmar65/3.5; [_]tripod; [_]cropped; [x]nikon ls-2000 slide scan 2700dpi.

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Rarely the over saturation makes me pleased! Here it's fit! The converged lines make such a good composition and make one feel as a part of it all!


By the way if you spelled the leaves correctly it would be more in function of the poetic ironical rhyme effect! And how about this caption: "The jolly company of yellow leaves - leaves mother forest forever"! Ha, too chip!



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Hello PDE,

thanks for your valuable remarks and thanks for pointing out my spelling error in leaves; (I just corrected the image info).

> Rarely the over saturation makes me pleased! Here it's fit!

there is some saturation but no over-saturation; this is the light and the colors of the geographical region where the photo has been taken (i.e., in the middle of nowhere inbetween Grenoble and Nice). I'm delighted nevertheless that you see a fit in the colors.

> more in function of the poetic ironical rhyme effect!

I wanted to write the leaves are preparing to leave their elevated level having aspired with burning desire the communion with their Creator, but they realized that their ambition was too high and thus faced the destiny of all beings longing to fight their original reason of existance: gravity.

  • Thoughts of men are images, thoughts of Gods are living beings.

-- Rudolf Steiner (quoted from memory)

and gravity being one of their divine ideas.

but people don't like long captions and many people don't like any philosophical remarks at all.


g dii

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