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Girls-in-the-Hood !


Circa 1957 (exact date uncertain). Kodachrome film (whatever was available in 1957). Compare with my Super Anscochrome shot 'Boys-in-the Hood' in the same folder. This slide is 50 years old and, unlike the Super Anscochrome 100 slide, has shown NO signs of colour fade. No clue as to the camera used. Don't remember these neighborhood girls but I find the shot interesting for the period styles. Best, LM.

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I have selected this Image to comment on your portfolio posted here. You have the complete mastery over the medium. B&W images have the full range of tones and their composition is superb. In colour images the colours are well saturated indicating the exposure is on the dot. In general the compsotion are the best. I could not find anything to critisize, I can only praise. Congratulations and shall keep visiting your Portfolio here. Thanks for sharing.
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Satvinder, Thanks for your kind words. Appreciative people like you are why I continue to post. I don't hold my posts up as works of art, rather just another viewpoint on the world as I have seen it to be enjoyed by others who likely have not seen it in the same light. Best, LM.
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Arthur, Thanks for prying the lid off that can of worms:-) Actually, since I was about 17 at the time I don't think any of these neighbourhood princesses was a candidate for my affections. If I were to hazzard a guess, in a competion for 'neighbourhood hottie', I think the girl on the left would be a likely candidate. But that was 50 years ago, who knows? I had also forgotten that head scarfs were a fashion item but here's proof. Thanks for participating. Best, LM.
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Not so much a request for critique as for comment. Testimony to

Kodachrome's ability to retain it's rich colours for 50 years and a

snapshot (no pun intended) of the styles in vogue for teens & pre-

teens in the year 1957. Best, LM.

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This is an incredible picture, thanks so much for posting it. To think that the sun light on their faces is 50 years old is a bit unreal, the photo has certainly lasted. Emily
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Emily, If this one makes you feel nostalgic you're giving away your age:-) Thanks for stopping by. Best, LM.
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No I wasn't around when these pictures were taken, I remember my father asking me when I was little and most images I saw of the 50's were in B+W, "you do know that the world wasn't black and white, only the film."
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Len, it looks funny if we think of fashion nowadays, how different it was in the 60's. The colors were really nicely kept for so long, nice to look at them for comparing....
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a blast from the past, still rich and vibrant


I was musing the other day about music media and reflecting on the old family collection of 78s, the 33and45rpm records of my ute, then the passing of 8 track, cassettes, CDs, and now MP3 (which I have not embarked on yet but I feel myself teetering closer to the edge)and yet film hangs on.

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Pnina, Good of you to stop by. Yes, it's worth reflecting on 'the way we were'. Of course we guys will nostalgically look past the people to the 'modern' cars in the background. :-) Best, LM.


Bill, Long time, no see. Perhaps we can rectify that situation sometime this summer. Stay tuned. Eight tracks have passed? Damn, what am I going to do with all these tapes? Perhaps get them transferred to cassettes? Best, LM.

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In case you hadn't seen my reply to your comment on my photo, I like what you've done with it. Thanks, Emily
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Len, when I saw this, I said to myself "the fifties!" Then I said, no, must be a recreation by today's youth, since surely film would have faded.


Makes me want to go dig out my slides, since my prints from way back have mostly faded. Great work.





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Lannie, Thanks for taking the time. Any slide from that era, if kept cool, dark, & dry, should still have an image & some colour but I guess Kodachrome is king for colour retention. Perhaps the present generation of E6 films will do as well. Time will tell. Best, LM.
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Hottie on the left.. :-) I bet they're thinking about the hottie holding the camera!


More reason to treasure every shot we take so it can be appreciated years from now.

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'Hottie' holding the camera?  You think?  Hmmm, that thought comes 50 years too late!  :-)   You are correct, the photo is still a treasure.  Bet these girls would like a copy of this one.   Too bad their names are lost to antiquity.  Maybe one day they'll visit Photo.net & chance on this one.  Well, it COULD happen!  Thanks for the visit.  Best, LM.

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