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Her fire looks like a much easier task to deal with. They appear to have no idea what is going on down the street. Look at his smile. Not a worry in the world. I want to shout, "Wake up people, there is a building burning down right next to you, GET OUT! Reminds me of the way we are as Americans. Even as terrorists blow up our buildings, poison us with anthrax and threaten us with their terror, we just continue to go on living our lives as if nothing horrible could ever happen to "US".
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This is truly a contest winner. Great humor and juxtaposition of the elements. you've also captured a unique moment. Good job. My question is: is she THAT old she needs the fire department to put out her candles????
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Guest Guest


If it's not a composite, if it really coexisted like that in life, it's a truly great photo.

If it is simply a photoshop work (what it seems to be), it's just a nice exercise in layer blending techniques.

Please dispell my doubts.


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I like this shot. Nice job with exposure. I like the contrast between the people/birthday cake and the fire truck down the street. Great work.
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Guest Guest


this is philosophical. showing same motives but with different meanings. it's a great piece of work with a lot of thought! absolutely love it.
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out there is on fire, and here she is celebrate her birthday w/ friend. wired! good eyes.
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I don't think that's photoshopped, look closely at the reflections in the glass. Also note the red caution tape, they wouldn't put that up unless they had time to which denotes they're just finishing up the fire, the cafe could have opened up again in that time.


This is one of those photos that you must have been "meant" to take. Excellent job.

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indeed outstanding image. the ying/yang balance in the scene is remarkable. two simultaneous stories, of sadness & hapiness not more than a block away, one corner struggling for life, and celebration on the other hand, exposed for detail. really good eye!
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An obvious fake! Does anyone really believe this happy couple would be calmly blowing out birthday candles as a 4 alarm fire rages outside? Perhaps this is the ingenuity in the composition: envisioning the end result, marking the spot of the fire picture and returning later in similar conditions to capture the people inside- then blending them both together. Also a digital camera is involved, and photoshop is so damn tempting... :D


Great photograph!

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I wonder too if this is a montage. It could be well a doble exposure of the same place, same angle, and afterward composed; at least that would explain the reflections on the glasses. If not, I would like to know how the photographer has made to adjust the exposure of the camera to capture so well indoors and outdoors scenes, given the light level differences.
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A photo is about an intelectual task. It doesn't matter much if it was made in one exposure, in two exposures blended on camera or in two exposures blended on photoshop.


It's NOT just a blending exercise because there's a great IDEA behind it. And that's the photo. The technique involved doesn't matter much.


Of course the idea of making this in one exposure impresses us for the difficulty, but this one is great anyway because it's well made. You can't see a flaw, so whats the deal if it was made with photoshop?

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Hey Paal, I saw this shot and rated it some time ago and am happy to see you get a POW for it. The compositional idea behind the shot is rich, however you were able to pull it off. I like the way the reflection and the real building images across the street beckons the viewer to look down the street. Makes ya want to call the couple in the cafe on your cell phone and tell 'em "get out of there". It is a tricky shot for the exposure, wish you could tell us how you were able to get such a nice balance. Hope you have continued sucess, looking forward your new work. Brad
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This may not be a fire engine after all on the left; just a steam cleaning of the facade of the house down yonder. Maybe ...




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A long time ago I asked if this one is a montage. Others asked too. The author kept his silence, thus in effect answering: it is.


Fakes like that - with nice twists and ideas - can be produced in bulk by anyone enterprising enough.


Nothing to do with good photography for one simple reason. Photography when considered as ART is different from other artistic media in 2 respects, it stands on 2 feet: (a) it really HAS BEEN like that, in life, and (b) in that photography disrupts normal human perception of time.


This has NOT been like that in life - so what we got here is a one-legged cripple.


(and of course I am not speaking about all kinds of posed, arranged etc. shots where photography is not art, but is used as the cheapest registration medium for the conceived arrangements of models and objects)

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If you look closely, the reflections of the police tape and sign post are in front of the people and candles. Unless he is an absolute PS Master, this can't be fake. IF it is and disregarding the ethics involved, fantastic job.

I think the one thing the photog has done is to dodge the girls face a bit so she stands out better.

As I have stated before, this is truly a contest winner. I hope one day to get a good fire photo such as this.

Congratulations on POW.

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