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© Copyright 2007 J Gaston

Photo Hazard



© Copyright 2007 J Gaston

From the category:

Nude and Erotic

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Bridezilla? But then, why is she naked? I like the joke, but am thinking it might work better in a more typical nude photography setting. It would then be a comment on the suspension of disbelief we often have to engage in to not just start laughing when we see a nude. On the other hand, if this is a photo about the wedding photographer's nightmare bride, then, as I said earlier, the naked woman just seems strange (however pleasant she may be to look at).
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What is your message here? I'm one of those weird Americans who feels the US's Second Amendment doesn't give everyone a right to have guns and who is not all the crazy about people being shot to death.


Personally, I would like it a lot more without the guns.



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I diagree with your last comment ,It has nothing to do with your Imadge, I think everyone shoul cary Guns ,Like the old western days. People are less likely to shoot one another ,or even atempt it if they no the other person is packing . Great imadge love it She can go hunting with me any TIME !
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OMG! Wasn't trying to start a gun argument!


Gordon!! If more guns make the world safer, why did GB have 46 gun deaths in a recent year?! The USA almost topped that in 1 day at VT! USA, #1!!


Why does a gun loving state like Texas execute more of it's citizens than any other state? Probably more than most other countries!


I only hope that the kids that get killed next time are the kids of parents who love guns, I'm so sorry to say.


Guns don't kill, people kill?!?! People with guns are a whole lot more likely to kill than people without guns, agree?


More people running around with guns reminds me of photos of such peace loving places like Iraq. Maybe you could move there with your guns and my country will a little safer!




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Anthony, I like a lot of the photo.


But, the guns. It could be a a pic of a fatal traffic accident....


I thought countries other than the US were not as gun crazy as my country is?

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Gordon, noticing how well you spell, I question whether you could ever fill out an application for a gun permit.
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Great shot with a sense of humor, very well done. In his next work, Joe takes on global warming.
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LOL, guys, come on this is a great photo, I see it as a girl using herself to distract then pounce!


Guys, come on the guns are tools, just cause they are tools that hurt or kill, does not mean you should not have your own tool to protect yourself. Trust me, those who have them know that others do not and can cause more harm. Its like shooting fish in a barrel, and that is what happend in VT....

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I grew up with guns. I got my first one when I was 7. My parents had at least 6 at one time. Virtually everyone I knew had as many. Guns were so routine that having one or three in the car at school was no big deal. One guy even brought his new shotgun to show-n-tell (3rd grade) and the only thing the nuns said was no "ammunition."


No one shot anyone. No one thought of shooting anyone.


Gun violence is concentrated in that segment of the population that has been dehumanized by oppression, poverty and despair. Nothing will stop a deranged or desperate individual from killing, either with a gun, a knife, a car or a passenger jet. Gun laws are a bandaid on the sliced artery of social rot.


This image is really great as is the title. I like the Bridezilla idea too, and her being naked works with the bridezilla theme. I've photographed a couple of weddings where the bride used her "appeal" to manipulate and dominate everyone.


Besides. Gun = power. Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.




Basil (well armed, well defended, well)

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LOL, I find this photo quite humorous. Maybe Joe owes her money from their last photo shoot. Maybe she's a hired-gun for someone else he owes money to and nude hits is her modus operandi. Maybe it's his wife, sick of him photographing other nude women and this is her way of getting his attention... by crashing a wedding. Maybe an upset bridesmaid who failed to catch the boquet and flipped out. Maybe she's a figment of his imagination in a dream sequence. Maybe she's a psycho-bride who couldn't handle the pressure of her wedding day (possibly set off by the flash on Joe's camera) and ripped off her dress and whipped out the pistols... he just happened to be the first victim. Maybe he's reaching in his pocket for a gun and she's prepared to deal with him. Or maybe she doesn't appreciate a man playing pocket-pool in front of her, no matter what her reason for being naked at the wedding. Perhaps it's just an experiment with photoshop and two images which when combined gave Joe a good chuckle and he decided to share it. In any case it's simply a funny image which should be taken with a grain of salt (or rice).
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Christ you americans are unbelievable sometimes, can we just comment on the quality of the photograph and leave the politics for another forum, this site is for photography not politics.


Joe, great shot, great sense of humor, love the colour of the model hair, well done.

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Years too late, but never mind. Yea, right, lets get rid if guns, it's not like stones, knifes, spears, arrows, axes or common sharpened stakes ever killed anyone before guns were invended. Right? Btw - Texas=6/100000 vs Washington 30/100000 homocides. So, more people get executed in Texas means the law is more tough. Good for Texas!

Anyway. Joe, go ahead and make us Gaston followers proud. Nice pic, very funny! I would have liked that Glock to have a magazine in the well, not a big hazard as it is :)

Keep up the good, funny,interesting and controversial work!!

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