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ATHENS OLYMPIC SPORTS COMPLEX (OAKA) - The Agora and the Olympic Stadium


This is the 2D (left eye) original flat picture of the 3D color anaglyph photo (also published here), from my book "THE THIRD DIMENSION IN THE ATHENS OLYMPIC GAMES" (it is edited and I am looking for a suitable publisher). This book contains 230 color 3D Stereo anaglyph photos from the Olympics. In order to enjoy the amazing 3D stereo effect, you will need a pair of paper red-cyan glasses. These glasses can be easily and cheaply obtained from all major video rental stores. All photos have been made by a system, that I have constructed, consisting of two connected Olympus cameras, functioning simultaneously and rendering the images as seen by our left and right eye respectively. More, at my biography and my personal home page http://3dmarios-english.blogspot.com/

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This is the 2D (left eye) original flat picture of the 3D stereo color

anaglyph photo that you can find in my photos gallery of this site. In

order to enjoy the amazing 3D Stereo effect, you will need a pair of

paper red-cyan glasses. These glasses can be easily and cheaply

obtained from all major video rental stores or Email me to send you

glasses for free. For more about 3D photography, refer to my biography

and visit my site http://3dmarios-english.blogspot.com/ You are

invited to ask any question about 3D technology and enjoy amazing 3D

stereo photos of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games. Rating and comments

are appreciated.

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