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though they may be around the same age, the man looks very much older. To me, because of this, it comes off really perverted expecially with his facial expression and the fact that they are sharing pez, thought of as more of a childlike confection. If that is what you were going for, you've hit your mark.
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Well, perversion is in the eye of the beholder but I suppose that I forgot for a moment that if the models are serious it's 'art' and if they are smiling it must be porn... so it goes... she is around 40 I believe and he, well who knows... In my mind I was attempting to create a fun playful image but apparently in your mind it isn't so...
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Perverted?? I sure don't get that sort of vibe out of this picture. As a person getting to be a certain age myself, I'm just glad to see there's some life left in the old bones. A fun shot.
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The age of the models is not the subject of the image. Who cares if they are the same age or years apart (as long as they are both of legal age). Cripes.... if this were two women not another thought would be given, if it were two men someone would certainly be screaming PORN or DISGUSTING or some other word showing how narrow minded or moronic the commentor is.


This image has captured a fun and sharing moment in the lives of the two subjects. It is well composed, well lit and a great capture of the moment.


Now, where is that Pez dispenser that my wife has put away?

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I am an American and do not have a problem with this image. You are a bit smug I would say. Lay off the stereotypes and comment on the photos or respond to comments. She may be prudish but that certainly has nothing to do with her nation of origin. I am sure there are Europeans and others who may be prudes as well. You're an insulting person.




Sorry to leave this retort here but I find Richard's type of chatter annoying. As for the photo, not one of your best but certainly not perverted in any way.



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Lol! the stereotype thing has just been growing...

i actually didnt know that it is an insult to call someone american...





Jim Wrightwood, April 12, 2007; 09:29 P.M. wrote:




I am an American and do not have a problem with this image. You are a bit smug I would say. Lay off the stereotypes and comment on the photos or respond to comments. She may be prudish but that certainly has nothing to do with her nation of origin. I am sure there are Europeans and others who may be prudes as well. You're an insulting person.


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ah yes, the picture! just love this woman's expression. but i am not too fond about that pez-thing. i am not sure if its the color or because its too close to the guy's nose. somehow it does not belong there...in my little opinion that is.

regards, richard

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I suspect Richard was being wry. Not only that, I suspect Jim actually agrees with him. After all, Jim once wrote, "Although I do agree that at least 30% of the nude postings are crap, I do find it disturbing to realize the possibility of neo-con, Bible thumping, conservative censorship taking place here. Our country certainly is in trouble. Terrorists are only one of many dangers lurking in the shadows. Shame on our society for being so blind." Sounds like a dig against Americans to me, at least the "neo-con, Bible thumping, conservative" ones. The point of course is that probably neither Richard or Jim is "an insulting person," or anti-American, but that both share a concern about certain prudish tendencies that, accurately or not, are often associated with our (I'm an American, too) culture.


Now, getting back to the picture, I must confess I hadn't noticed that it was photographed on Raymond's famous geometric set, and that many lines on the models align with the background. I would expect no less from him. In fact, the dark and the light in the background really make the shot interesting to me. The models' heads are largely in the light part; their bodies in the dark. Interesting symbolism. The light part's area, compared to the dark part's area roughly corresponds to the head-body proportions. The dark sets off the bodies well. The woman's right arm and hand bisect the dark space; the man's knee and chest turns the dark space, which would otherwise be a triangle (like the light space) into a parallelogram. What that means, if anything, I have no idea, but I find it visually appealing. And finally, on a different plane, I really like the expression on the model's faces; they truly seem to be enjoying the moment.

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I do not see any reference to Americans in the quote you provided, only to a certain type of people. Also, you take it out of context (as is popular in modern culture). That posting was made by me in a forum titled "Death of the Nude" or something like that and not toward a photo. It was a sarcastic overture on censoring nude photos. I expalain this to a gentleman by the name Tom further in the forum toward his response to me. Anyone interested in the true context of the coversation can go to my forum posts and get the real story. I certainly have no issues with any national or cultural origin so long as they do not attempt to censor or contribute to other hurtful ideology. As always, just my opinion.




Again sorry for this. Just had a burr in my saddle that day.




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Please reead your response to Jennifer. Maybe you will see why it caught me the way it did. To me it basically suggests that all Americans are not open minded which is why I considered it insutling. Yours is not the first comment I have seen with such suggestions which is maybe why I felt thin- skinned toward your remark that day.

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Oh, sorry. I assumed "here" and "our country" and "our society" in your posting were references to the U.S.A. Oh, well.
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Whatever Barry. Again you make references out of the context of the original posting. You can only scramble eggs so much. Feel free to take the last word. Bye now.
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Thank You All for a most amusing discourse; it's given me many a chuckle. I invited Jennifer to post a follow up but as of yet to no avail. See you in the fun zone... Raymond



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Well well well I didn't mean to create such an uproar. First of all, yes I am American but I don't think it has anything to do with my comment. I simply meant that she is by far a beutifully aging woman.. and he is not. He looks twice her age and I guess I'm one of those people out there who don't feel comfortable with relationships being 25 years apart. I just meant that there is something creepy about the guy and I'm sorry for having an opinion. She seems genuine and he does not. All I meant.
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