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Since I have arrived to Buenos Aires, just one year ago, I began

focusing on portraiture, human shapes and rituals; However, I realized

that I usually didn't pursue my photos, instead of that I get used to

build my photographs more than capture them... I was trying to control

every variable in the equation; However, I find out that sometimes an

extraordinary photograph comes up from a game of chance... These are

the reasons that make me analyze this proposal... It's a challenge

considering that they move around with total freedom and I a have an

old Minolta with manual focus... The depth of field is really short

because this place is an interior with just one big window on a side

and my lenses are not very luminous; I used 400 ASA films, I had a

wide aperture and I dind't use artificial lights... I was constantly

pursuing this bodies trying to focus them and make a nice composition

at the same time... This is a project I want to purify in the the

following months, this photographs are just the begining. It would be

really interesting if someone wants to help me developing this idea...

For example, this room has a ceiling of almost four meters high that

is white... I thought that it would be a good idea to reflect a big

ray of sun-light (a square of a meter and a half of side) in the

ceiling and use that reflected light to close a bit the aperture to

gain some depth of field... I read that Nestor Almendros, a famous

director of photography that work in almost all the movies of Truffaut

used this technique; However I don't know if an ordinary mirror would

help me to achieve this goal, and perhaps if the ceiling is to high

the reflected light would be insufficient... I am going to try this in

two weeks... I look forward to hearing from anyone who wants to give

me some advice... Best wishes from Buenos Aires, Argentina...

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Deep image....great twist of the body....the capture and the title are fantastic....keep pursueing this style/series...I lok forward to seeing more...


Best regards


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