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Seguimos esperando a los Abejarucos ,mientras tanto mas JIlgueros

rafael zapata

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this is unusual and lovely for several reasions. the unique tilting head, the sharpness of the main subject and also the bokeh. the two colour works really well as a background.
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You have captured this bird brilliantly.

Beautiful crisp image with perfect DOF.

Well Done


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Guest Guest


Very well exposed photograph of this lovely bird and so pleasant to view


Wishing you all of the best

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Me que de sin seven, esta tarde, o bien no me permite el sistema dartelos, la foto magistral como de costumbre, el fondo perfecto, El Cebadero mio se lo han llevado cuando he ido hoy, aunque tengo otro parecido, no es una gran cosa, pero creo que puede valer, estos bichos son mas arisco que un rayo, no aguantan ni ni un segundo ,,entran y zas,,,, a volar, saludos Rafael...Me that of without seven, this afternoon, or it doesn't allow me the system to give them to you, the masterful picture as of custom, the perfect bottom, my Cebadero has taken it to him when I have gone today, although I have another resemblance, it is not a great thing, but I believe that it can be worth, these bugs are but unfriendly that a ray, they don't tolerate neither neither one second, they enter and zas, to fly, greetings Rafael.
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Una de sus mejores fotos Rafael. El fondo complementa perfectamente el color y la textura del ave. El triangulo que forma la rama cierra una bella composicion diagonal con el ave, y que decir del saludo que nos regala este Jilguero. Felicitaciones
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Abejarrucos? si, no hay duda que son bellisimos, pero... y este jilguerito? vaya pose y miradita que te ha regalado...verdaderamente encantador, muy buena composicion y pdc. Un saludo
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Hoy sigo con mis nuevos seven, Esta imagen se lo merece, perfecta luz, color y belleza, el fondo de lujo, saludos cordiales Rafael....Today I continue with my new seven, This image deserves it, perfect light, color and beauty, the deluxe bottom, cordial greetings Rafael.
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Everything perfect, the color, the composition, the light, the background. And the subject is mind blowing. Congratulation...
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