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© (C) Olli Pekonen

Repost to salute the summer



© (C) Olli Pekonen

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Guest Guest


Very well exposed portrait


Wishing you all of the best my friend

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Lovely soft focus Olli, though this photo is crying out for some catch lights in the models eyes to give her that extra sparkle...good effort!
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thanks. It was shot with the monster 85/1.2L at 1.2.

It is by no means intended to be a normal bikini shot in

some beach paradise, but instead convey a feeling of the brief

northern summer that still has its spectacular beauties,

here and there ;-)

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I would have gone for 1.8 or 2.0...look at her fingers, the last two are in focus the front ones are'nt...very shallow depth of field isn't always nice to look at.
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Guest Guest


I find this good and the short DOF adds originality and concentrates. I am sure that this has also been a study into max aperture possibilies and thus the ultrashort DOF is well well justified. It puts the emphasis in the face. The only thing that I'd like not having there is the tree on the left. The color world is exceptional because it is quite cold and yet so Finnish-summerish. The blue cast is almost the opposite of the skin color, be it traditional, cliche, thumbrulish or conservative - it works.

Eikös nuo arvostelunumerot ole aika lailla alempia kuin viimeksi? Mistäs moinen johtuu? On muuten tosi holmoa kirjoitella aakkos & umlautteja.

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Jep, ratet on pienempi䠨ieman yli yhdell䠰isteella on average. En tosiaan

tied䬠mist䠴䤠johtuu - Herra kolme/kolmonen on ainakin ollut

viime aikoina asialla :-/

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