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Laura: Gymnopedies and Gnossiennes - Dedicated To Erik Satie [Best Viewed 'Larger']


Canon EOS 1DsMark2

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Now, it is of coincidence that Satie was frequently seen wearing a Bowler Hat. More to the point, the slight variations of these frames bring his Gymnopedies and Gnossiennes to mind. Regards.
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Stylish and fun. Nice project Kelvin.( knit-pick_seems to be some shadows on the wall caused by the hat?)
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That made me smile, such fun! well composed , From right to L. my smile broadened, it is so well done Kelvin!I like the " window" given to each form. and the red/black is singing!
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Kelvin: no words can say how much you reached a different level in the last year. Your work is REALLY ORIGINAL. You are also seeking for the beauty in fashion. Not only provocative shots. I sincerely appreciate the way you see everything. You are a natural talent in my eyes.


B E A U T I F U L !


There is not an appropriate rating available on PN to express how this work is valuable. 7/7 is not enough... :-)



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Guest Guest


Kelvin, The Magician! Excellent work my friend; I have a lot to learn from you! Best regards, Catalin
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Wonderful series shot. I really like the simplicity of color and the attitude of the model. Looks like it was a fun shoot. Regards Anthony
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Great performance by the model and the photographer alike.

Kevin, I added a few photos lately, as a big fan of your works, I would love to get your comments. Thanks!


- Ray

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... charming and beautifully executed. Love the Satie reference ... the design actually feels like a keyboard!
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