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French Baker at Work

glenn norris

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Comments please... an hdr treatment documenting a beautiful cafe in

New Hampshire, one of the many treasures that seem to be

disappearing as the corporations plunder every last town with the

same Starbucks, Walmart, and Borders Books that appear in every

other town in the country until there is no individuality left....

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Glen, this is so wonderful, and your comments so appropriate! You have really got me interested in SDR now. My camera doesn't have bracketing function, but I assume you can just change up the F-stops manually between each shot? Every day lately I realize that I have finally found my passion...photography!
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Wonderful picture, Glenn! I hope the breathtaking beauty of these places has the power to remind us how fast we are losing them, and how, by losing them, we are losing uniqueness, warm atmospheres, variety and taste in products, expertise.
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I am very happy you all enjoy this. The theme of capturing these kinds of places has been a favorite of mine... "The Cobbler's Workshop" is my most popular to date. These are the kinds of people and places we MUST support, unless you want the 17 year old serving you at your local "bakery" to be cooking your croissant in the microwave!
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I think you need to get a close-up image of this man's hands while he it working. Done right, you'd have a real winning image.
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Glenn, this feels very tangible and inviting, an impression I'm sure you experienced and conveyed with skill. Kudos for your comments regarding the domination of conglomerate chains.....regards...Tye.
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Hi Glenn.


Very good shot, very good technique... good light, good everything.


And in this part of the world is almost lunch time, so looking at this cookies I feel so hungry...


Keep doing a good work?

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I like the 3-dimentionality and the details of the objects, including the hands of the baker. Seldom I see HDR with people in the picture. Good work.
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Wow! It looks like a painting. I want a piece of that bread! What a wonderful shot! Lighting is beautiful! You need to come and give me some lighting lessons!


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Shawn, yes I cannot believe I forgot to get a shot of the man's hands... I have been studying hand shots lately and wanted to make it part of my routine. Maybe next time.... Beng, yes there are few hdr's with people and I have found that I like to shoot people as if they are an object in the scene, rather than close-up portraits.... And Amy, I think you are the one who needs to give me lighting tips... on an image I posted last night I had done an aweful job in the highlights and someone was kind enough to point it out. I am STILL learning everyday, and still making stupid errors... Glenn
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I love this shot. I am brand new to photography and, like wine, only know what I like (and struggle to know why). While I don't know yet what HDR and SDR is (see, really new!), you've captured and displayed a dying image. Hang on to this one - it's a treasure!
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Beaufiful place, pictured very well. Makes me miss old times... I see, you are doing fine, Glenn. Greetings :-).
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The results are stunning, Glenn. It's the quality of light, besides the scene ( rare and unique) that makes the photo.
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