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© ©Glenn Norris, all rights reserved.

The Old Bus

glenn norris


© ©Glenn Norris, all rights reserved.

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Once again this is HDR... I work endlessly on techniques that bring

hdr back closer to the realm of traditional photography... comments

appreciated! Glenn

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This is a beauty! You have captured all the great patinas on the old metal and on the old barnboard too - very appealling image!
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Thank you all! LOL - after reading your enthusiastic comments expected the rating to be quite high but it looks like I was nailed by a couple of 3/3ers again! Just can't win really... Glenn
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You did a wonderful job with HDR on bringing out all the colors and highlights, but I find myself wondering if HDR was really necessary on this one to get the effects that you have? Obviously I love your image, my 7/6 rating does show that, but I'm thinking that a RAW image and PS could have gotten the same effects. Only you will know. And now for my negative critique: I'd like more space on the bottom and on the left side, because (if possible) I like to see more open space in the areas where the vehicles are heading.

All in all a beautiful image!

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Shawn, thank you and you are correct on the spacing issues... it was one of those shots where there were alot of things nearby to eliminate from the view - wish I had a better angle. About the HDR, I have tried everything, all combinations of hdr and traditional, and I have brought many of my images from start to completion with the exact same steps, 3 exposures blended vs. a single traditional shot. I can say definitively that the hdr version is BETTER. There is much better detail, toning, depth, etc. and all the problems usually associated with hdr can be eliminated by proper attention to lighting, contrast, shadow/highlight functions. I have approached this as a scientist would and there is no denying the results. There is only ONE problem... the image does not display correctly on the monitor. I say this over and over again and I suspect I will say it more times, until every curious person has seen the prints vs the monitor display. I am 100% certain that this is the future of photography... however correct HDR can be much more difficult to attain but I have spent all of my time the last year working on these techniques that get rid of all of the things that give hdr a bad name.... If any of these 3/3ers saw what went into this type of work... I appreciate the comments Shawn and I hope someday you can give this a chance too. I saw your vehicle shots and they are great - those are a great subject to start with trying hdr - try it and you will see.... Glenn
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Wow, excellent photo Glenn. The contrast between the bus and the forest is just great. The colour this time is ok, do not disturb my eyes.


So, congratulation, another great work ;-)

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Hi Glenn, I think this is a great shot, I just started to experement with HDR

and I love the style. I dont know very much about HDR, why do you say "closer to the realm of traditional photography"? If you would like take a look at my HDR work and please critique, Thank You, and keep up the great work. 6/6

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Thank you Jan... yes, I will take a look at your work gladly. What I meant by 'closer to the realm...' is that I believe that even though hdr can produce an artsy effect that wows people who have never seen it, the tool needs to be used wisely. In essence it needs to do what it is intended to do - capture a higher dynamic range of reality while also keeping with the basics of traditional photography... basically the image still needs to look like a photo. I enjoy using it as a way to 'paint' a scene too, but if it is ever going to gain the respect of the general photographic world it needs to do it's job of depicting a scene as well as possible. That is why I work so hard on these techniques. Glenn
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Nice shot but too bright for my taste and the HDR gives a very even illumination to an exposure that makes it look, well, a bit weird. I would prefer more darkness, a bit less saturation per my version with your indulgence.


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This is one of my favorite photos on this site. I'm not really sure why. Maybe because there seems to be so much personality in the old bus. Great!!
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Thank you Deborah! That is nice for you to say. And John, I do not mind at all... it is kind of fun to see others' versions because there are so many choices to make.
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I love what you do with HDR. I must say, your photos are getting better and better. I think, this one is one of your best HDR works. The composition is perfect and the wide angle makes the perspective very good. Colours are nice - not to colourful, just perfect saturation.
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