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Last Light I


After a wonderful afternoon of clear sky the South Devon beaches are the place to head to for. It was one of those trips though; forgot my coat (!) so I had to wonder around in a thin shirt, forgot waterproof trousers, tissues for wiping seawater of lenses, then ripped my jeans and cut my right hand, not a good start.

As the yellow fades to orange the hues only seem to get better after the sun has gone; this picture was taken a full three quarters of an hour after the sun has set. Colours seem to peak just before darkness, a fabulous time for photography; the rocks seem to sparkle and glisten with the last of the available light and long exposures add such a marvellous ghostly softness to the sea. The strange slate like rocks have erroded into channels and the waves pull these fantastic white stones that have fallen out of the cliffs down to the sea bit by bit..... and then I photograph them (but not before!)

EOS 5D, 17-40 at 24mm f11 ISO 200 for 30secs. A blend of two exposures.

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Mnay thanks, hope you like this. Please take a look at my portfolio

of seascapes, landscapes, travel, architecure and more...

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a beautiful image. I particularily like the forground stones and their soft colours.





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David, exceptional work. The noise is virtually non existent considering a 30 sec exposure at @ ISO200. Did you use any noise reduction software? Were both shots 30 secs?
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Fantastic compostition, the three boulders in the foreground where an exceptional find. Coupled with the fact that they lie in a watery channel which leads your eye nicely into the background and beyond. A photographers job is to create some sort of order, to make sense of a complicated scene, you have managed to to this superbly with this composition. Hats off to you. Best regards, Stephen.
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its beautiful the way the water leads into the picture. nothing short of amazing mate. the colour on the rocks are pretty as well


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Yes I did use noise reduction software, but the main thing was not to mess about with the RAW exposure slider. The exposures were 8secs for the highlights and 30 secs for the foreground. The rocks were sat in amoung other pebbles that you can make out at the bottom right and it was very tempting to bring these up so you could really see the surroundings, but it is always important before exposure blending to look at these areas (and the brightest ones) first and think about how the picture rests. Then you can sucessfully plan your blend without it looking messed with.


I just want to say thanks to everyone for the support for my pictures and the comments on my portfolio.

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This is a very strong image David. I simply love the three bolders in the foreground. The whole thing just sings! Love it.
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David, a great image, I love the 3 white boulders, I wonder how big they are in reality. cheers Jana

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Hello Jana, the boulders are about the size of a small football, about seven to eight inches in diameter. Glad you like the shot.
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Okay, you know what? Someone has to tell me how to get that really smooth tone, because I freaking love it. Great shot, man.
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David, I love your landscapes... this is just grand!! Excellent light control and DOF. David, how do you combine exposures so well?, can you explain your technique or can you show us a web link or something, or a book that explains it please... 7/7, REGARDS, RAJEEV.
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