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Settled in for the Night

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"This image is completely unmanipulated."

Tyler, you state this like it's a crime to manipulate photos. The truth is digital cameras fall short and that's why they made Photoshop. In my opinion, this photo could benefit from a curves adjustment to boost contrast and a slight USM to make it a bit sharper. The composition works and it looks like your expsore is getting better. Just need to work on your post processing. BTW, it does look great considering it came staright out of nthe camera.

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Will and Antanas--Thanks for your comments. I do appreciate them! I'm very encouraged that this shot could be even better with some post-processing. This is one of the first shots I took with my new ND Grad filter and Tokina 12-24 lens, so I was pretty pleased with the result for a first day of shooting.


Will--if you are feeling kind and would like to do a few tweaks and repost this I would definitely appreciate it. If you're busy and don't have time I definitely understand but I'd like to see what a good PS'er could get out of this shot. By the way, I have been meaning to write you for almost a week now because the final word came down that my department will not buy the photoshop DVDs from a private person. Apparently they can't buy from a private person using PayPal because of some situation with how the money has to be transferred, receipts, etc. (it's gov't money so there are 50 million rules for using it) I'm sorry I could take them off your hands but I do appreciate the offer to sell them to me at such a reduced price. I'm sure you'll have no problem unloading them on Ebay if you want. Thanks for all the help!

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Tyler, I'm at work right now. I'll look at it later when I get home and see if I can make some PS adjustments. You have definitely been improving though.
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Thanks again, Will. I just posted another exposure of this shot here:




This is the exact same composition with the same Av mode settings...all I did was moved my ND grad filter. The first version has a nice dark sky that contrasts with the horizon while the second version (link above) has more sunset color warmth and also was a tad bit longer exposure so smooths the water and gets some sunset color reflection.


If anyone has an opinion about one being better than the other I'd love to hear it!

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Yep---it's very subtle and you can't really tell the difference unless they are side by side. The clouds at the top are darker in this version and the water lacks the smooth effect from the longer exposure (which brings with it a little reflection and warmth). Just depends on if you like light-dark contrast or move overall warmth and sunset color domination. I just figured I'd post it for interest sake. But you are right, they are very similar.
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Will--I just reread your first post...I glazed over your opening remark the first time but had to chuckle this time. Don't worry, I do NOT think it is a crime to manipulate photos, especially if you're just doing contrast, saturation, sharpening, etc. I only put that the image was "completely unmanipulated" for 2 reasons: 1) so people factor that in when they critique and evaluate the shot and 2) because I've had a few purists blow off some of my images (this one included) and say "oh, you created those colors in PS" when in reality I just shoot sunset EVERY day and post a picture from every 20th sunset I shoot. So, that is why I said that---believe me, I realize the shortcomings of digital photography and to be honest, learning how to adjust and prepare for printing is the thing I should probably be focusing on right now (although I can't resist going out and shooting!)
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Tyler, I'm looking at this on my home monitor now, which is calibrated. It actually looks a lot better than I thought it did when I viewed on my work monitor. I personally do think it could stand to have a bit more contrast added to it but not as much as I thought before on the crappy monitor. Here's my tweaks: Curves adjustment and local USM. It's a very subtle diefference (you would really be able to tell at full res) but I personally think it's bolder.

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Thanks Will--I think that looks really good and is definitely improved. Where did you do the "local USM?" Was that on the boat? Thanks again for your help--I really appreciate it!
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