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© Karl Schuler

Karumbar Lake, Hasselblad XPan versus Canon 5D (see larger format)

Karl Schuler


© Karl Schuler

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Some weeks ago I submitted a photo from this lake shot with the Canon

EOS 5D. This one was shot the same day from the same position with

the Hasselblad XPan. It is interessant to compare the two photos.

Thanks for feedback. Karl

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Hi Karl - I prefer this one to the Canon shot, actually. The colour is a lot richer in this one. Quality is perhaps slighter better with the Canon, but overall this one tips the scales for me.
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Karl,first of all to compare both with objectivity,we need to take the images applying the same number f: did you applied ? and the equivalent focal lens,this last one ,obviously you din'd applied .About the definition,I see more detail about the Canon.Speaking about the color dominant,I think that Canon shows a little bit greens and Hassel a little bit of magentas...should be fix see the color of the snow to compare this point!(I'm not sure at 100%, because my monitor is not calibrated.About aesthetic,Imho is necesary to do some arrangents: Hassel perhaps needs a soft sharpnees mask,as you said all images scanned needs this one.I hope that my explanation help you a little bit.Regards




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About the rich color,Canon is not a problem, Karl can modify some parameters luminosity channel,saturation ...to acquire the vision more close to Hassel
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What a majestic scene!

I prefer this one to the Canon shot as the colours are more vibrant (there is a yellow/green cast in the Canon one).

As far as the photo itself, I find that cutting off the peak on the TR corner is a bit distracting, I would have preferred to see the entire peak. I do like the inclusion of the subject in the BL corner as it gives an even better idea of the grandeur of this scene. All in all, very nice shot.

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Karl, I like the wide angle and the mountains that leads the eye till the vanishing point and making two triangles of earth and sky. I prefer this version, has more punch colorwise.! very nice show of nature.
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Dear all, thank you for your comments. Of course, this is not a scientific comparison of cameras. But it shows, what kind of different results can be achieved by using different equipment while processing the slides/files in the way I usually do it. What surprises me is the much more vivid colours resulting from the Provia slide. For buth photos I did not apply any colour enhancing tool. In this photo I like the colours, the much better view of the background mountains and the person standing on the lake. But I regret the cropped mountain top at the right side and the "leaking" lake to the left side, which is due to the limitations of the 45 mm lense on the Hasselblad. Karl
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what an amazing portfolio you have. I, like some of the others here, prefer the provia/hassleblad version due to the colours, although i'm sure you could easily match them with the canon and a bit of tweaking. I also like the sense of scale you have in the image due to the solitary figure.


Do you mind if i ask if you stitch your pano's with the canon or are these crops from a single frame? either way extremely impressive work.

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Thanks Ben for the appreciation of my work. The Canon panoramas are all from a single frame. But I have some shots which are ready to be stiched. Even some from this same lake. This would give a great result but I do not know which program to use best, as the colours and size jump due to the use of the polarisation filter on the wide angle zoom. Some of my older Nepal Panoramas are hand-stitched. Karl
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majestic grace! beyond the technical complexities. pure serenity! any kind of comparisons about gear, creativity etc etc stand invalid before majestic grace of natural panoramas. a click is from the heart! regards!
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The colors here are much stronger, thus more attractive. Sharpness, detail, shadow quality is better in the 5D. I guess you shot jpeg with the landscape color profile with the 5D ? A bit unfair for the 5D, you could easily get stronger colors with a different color profile, or with shooting RAW and tailored conversion with a good software like DPP 2.2 or Capture One.
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