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Really eye catching, this is the first comment ive bothered to write since rating over 100 random images. Normally heavy photshop treatments can irk me, but this is an expection to the rule. It kind of looks like the image has been corrupted serendipitiously.
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The overall impression is rather lackluster to me. Right off, I think the square format drastically suppresses the energy of the horizontal lines, which, I guess, are supposed to represent the surf, and the horizon. Placing nearly equal amounts of sky and foreground also reduces the energy. After that, I can't make any sense of the human figure, either as a symbol, or as an element in a real scene. As a symbol, then of what? And then what would the lines symbolize? As an element in a real scene, then what are the lines? Maybe something will come out in the next couple of days, but for now, it's not my idea of Birger Hoglund's best work.
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in many years of taking photographs, even considering that i still remain an amateur and i am not in full grasp of every technical detail, i cannot make my mind on this image as a photograph... horizontal lines - while beautiful per se - look *unreal* and make me think i am evaluating a composite.


while i don't dismiss the value of the image *as is*, and the final effect is intresting, the fact that this is mostly postprocessing work doesn't help me much to get better as photographer.

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I feel your strength in simplicity and calmness. Here, for me this is beauty that lies in simplicity and some kind of ending.
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This image doesn't keep my interest long. I just can't work up that much passion about it. I like women, I like the beach and I like the sky. While this is a cool and deft use of image manipulation technology, it doesn't alter my appreciation or understanding of any of those elements.

For this type of effort to be worthwhile, I look for some motivating concept behind the interpretation. If there is one for this image, it's just too obscure and nothing in it's obvious elements makes me want to invest the time to decipher it. It seems to have been done just because it could be... t

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For this picture, the result yes is cool, I like the lines, it's a great idea. However the pleasure doesn't last very long. The woman to be honest I think doesn't suit well with the rest of the picture.I can't quite put the finger of what I think is distracting.. maybe the colors or the light, maybe the dull shape but I feel there is something wrong. I would love to hear more about how much post processing was done on the lines. For me it's a cool effect but it looks too unreal and therefore too manipulated and it doesn't go well with the "normal" woman. Even if it wasn't manipulated that much which I doubt, I still don't think it's well balanced.
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In my humble opinion, this is a very weak photo. I really dont get the use of those artificial lines as a replacement of sea. With the original sea in place, it would have a very ordinary photo as well - as there is nothing particularly interesting about it - neither light nor subject. My guess is that the photogrpaher tried to save an otherwise ordinary image by experiementing w/photoshop.
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