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She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. How did you get her to pose like that?!!!! What a body,...what a mischevious smile!!!! You are a lucky dog to have had an opportunity to photograph such a goddess, and then to come away with such a great photo of her....!
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that was shameful in its success.


i placed this photo(which i thought was only decent), put a nude descriptor on it, and hundreds of viewers observed it in less than a day. as opposed to the better photos of mine (and others) that don't display naked women begging for viewership, and which certainly do not draw crowds. this is my protest against mindless oggling of nudes, unending rating inflation of breasts, and enduring empty celebration of buttocks. give it a rest with the naked women already. love the great photos, but recognize the mediocre when they are posted- even when they are bare naked babes.

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Here here! Trust me, when I have posted similar pictures, I will max out at around 250ish. Regularly. Note the almost 600 views here.


Also, nudes ALWAYS get super-high ratings compared to anything else. I've seen crappy, blothcy, awful shots of some guy's wife in the shower with hideous flash use get a 10/10.


Simply because of the nudity.


BTW - I love this picture. I have a couple of similar shots of doors I've taken. The textures and colors really work. Very nice.

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I think I prefer the rating inflation of breasts to some other methods we use nowadays.


Interesting textures and details. Even in the window. It seems a little dull though, not enough color or pop or something like that. Still, it is very simple.

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Granted, naked women shots are overblown much of the time but when we see work by guys like Michael Ezra you have to give credit where it is due. A camera mounted flash shot of a chick in a shower getting 10/10 just goes to show the unprofessionalism and immaturity of some of the users on this site.


Now, some people prefer taking picture of broken down buildings and some people prefer taking pictures of their dogs and other people prefer taking pictures of vast landscapes. If you want to get religious overtones on the subject, the female body is one of God's greatest creations, why not make excellent images of it? To quote from a popular phrase, if you don't like it, don't look at it. If you see a subject that comments on nudes and you don't like nudes, don't click the link. It's quite simple really.


I, for one, am a big fan of female nudes and look forward to viewing future postings of this type. I don't look forward to people posting with comments of nudes when there are no nudes being posted.


Take care.

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i like viewing nudes- beautifully photographed nudes. my protest here was to demonstrate that ANYTHING with a hint of a naked woman would grab a disproportionately large viewership. i also protest ratings of nudes that exceed the skill it took to make them- if not the bust size of the model.
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I was beginning to think I was the only one who was sick of nudes on this site getting such high ratings. I also notice that any portrait of a "pretty" girl gets a comment such as " lovely model". Aren't we ALL attractive in our own way??? Is there a disproportionate number of men viewing here on this site? Only the "pretty" girls get high photo ratings? My own self portrait got low/average ratings, not sure if it was because it was a poor photo, or if it is because I am not 25 yrs old and naked in the shot! Saw a shot reacently where a daughter took a photo of her mother naked facing the bath room mirror that got 10s. I don't think I am a prude, but I don't see how voyeristic (sp) stuff should rate so high.Think this is the longest comment I have ever made here.... geeez

pardon me whilst I hop down from my soapbox... (chuckle)

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That's okay, Rob. I posted a pic of rhubarb with the colour saturation way up to prove a similar point. It wasn't a bad pic, but I was performing a similar test with similar results; it got a lot more attention than most of my faves. That suggests that whiz-bang colour alone draws viewers. It's the nature of the site (Or maybe the whole Internet).


P.S. Maybe I've been looking at too many pics of naked women, but I think I can see a female form in the second wooden panel from the right. ;)

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You will see an outline of a nude woman. It could just be one of those things but thats what it looks like to me
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Come on now, let's be honest here. If there's a lady in this picture (let alone nude) I can't see her. Oh, I know, maybe she is there BEHIND the wood, which is in front of the mirror behind the glass...either way, please try again.
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