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Mr G


~~~remember this little face~~~

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Great moment caught with the camera. The tones are great too. I would change his feet being cot off at the bottom though. Keep up the good work!
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This is incredibly beautiful! What a wonderful moment and the tones are really good and the background is perfect - oh my - this one makes me want to cry... how great is this!
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Thanks Troy, Amy, Jan and Tammy for all the nice comments. This is Garrett and he is amazing us with his ease of learning the guitar. He is 7! His Dad has not too long ago taken up the guitar and Garrett is learning from him.

He is sitting out in our front yard on a log just playing his little heart out.

He was not aware that I was taking pictures of him ......at first!

You might want to remember this little face.....he is pretty dern good!

Thanks again!

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the beauty of this is that you can see he is absolutely caught up in the music. you are so good at capturing the heart and soul of an image!
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Thank You Linda....you see what I see in this picture. He was so into it. And, he is very proud of himself!


Yes Ken ...I said DERN...! You can't take the "dern" out of the Texan. It's how you tell if you are a real one or not. justsayn



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Hie engrossed expression makes me smile. Beautifully taken against the backdrop of sky & ground.
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I guess I would say this is one of my favorite images I have seen in a long time....for so many reasons. I hope you have given a copy of this to his Papa...and I hope it's archival so MR.G. can put it on his album cover...Juan
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Juan thank you so much for your kind comment. Remembering your bio, I can see where you might find some interest in it. He stayed with us last week, he too is going through some tough times and he seems to find an outlet with the guitar. We love him dearly.


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Well dern hell yes ! ....... I agree about cropping the feet a tad close. Now you have that big 10Mp cam - one of the advantages of that is that you can crop it alot and still have enough file size left to make a big print ...... So I'd tend to shoot 'big' and crop it to my liking later - generally speaking ... Very well done J - Dern !



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I haven't read all the comments but my first thought was that of a young and innocent John Denver. Probably the glasses and the sublime expression and of course that sunshine playing a big part in your photo. I'm trying to say I like this portrait of Mr. G. and I like his chording and obvious experience with the guitar shining through in this picture. ~Sky
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Guest Guest


Janis, just noticed this one and wanted to share in the joy! Seriously, great photograph, full of expression, life, and good feelings. Normally, I would react negatively to not seeing the eyes in a portrait or portrait-like photo. In this case, it works perfectly that way. I am transported with him in the music and through his feelings and thoughts. The surrounding environment is beautifully lit and handled, providing him the absolutely appropriate space within which to dwell. Wonderful! --Fred
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I already commented on this a couple months ago - but just wanna say... Wow - I'm still blown away at how beautiful this is.
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Good shot! I started playing when I was six myself. Looks like he's doing a bar chord which at 7 is WOW! Tell him to keep at it! Not enough music in the world. :-)
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You captured in this photo a real emotional feeling that this boy has for playing the guitar! His face and how he has his eyes closed say it all! He truly loves music and playing this guitar. Normally I am not into black and white photos but I do like this one for it brings the subject up front. Great one!
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I agree with you Joe...we could use a little more "good" music!

Diana thanks, he is still playing just got a new electric full blown set up,and he is really good...Just remember his face!

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What a portrait! I can't wait to spend some time with your images. This is perfect in every aspect. In his environment...with what he loves...unaware of camera...or simply doesn't care. Uninhibited and at peace...7/7...as soon as they let me. In the meantime, I can add it to my faves.
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