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F/5; 1/2500sec; 38mm

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Tschierva glacier with, in the center, P. Bernina (4049m/13281ft). From this view you can recognize all the main parts of a glacier: the ridge with the summits, the cirque, a tributary glacier (which is not tributary anymore), the snow line, an hanging valley with a plateau, the main valley of the glacier, crevasses, a moraine valley, screes, the ice tongue and a meltwater stream.
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Apparentemente una normale foto di montagna, in realta', pero' osservandola meglio nasconde una forte dinamicita'. Sembra che tu abbia bloccato in un'istantanea la lingua del ghiacciao che veloce ritorna al monte(e forse con la velocita' con cui si sciolgono non e' neanche un'impressione cosi' lontana dal vero).
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Excellent image, as Sorin said "Atlas Image". While I do prefer images taken at the "golden hours" of dawn and dusk, there is nothing about this image that makes me want anything of the sort. The blue sky and clouds accentuates this scene just fabulously. Well captured.
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Thank you all for the feedback :)


To Bryan: yes, it's really a pity. At the moment many are withdrawing 20 metres (65ft) per year. If you consider that the current average lenght of alpine glaciers is about 300 metres (almost 1000ft) you can count how many years are still left. This is a calculus to be taken just "to have an idea" as it doesn't consider mnay many factors which could make the life of many glaciers probably a bit longer.


Per Daniele: grazie per le parole di commento spese. Quello che mi piace di questo ghiacciaio rispetto a molti altri e' la sua "didatticita'". Se tu leggi libri di glaciologia e vedi una foto di questo ghiacciaio, ritrovi tutti i punti fondamentali. Inoltre trovo che la forma ad "S" della lingua sia molto fotogenica.


To Greg: a photo taken at sunset or at dawn of this glacier would have not been a good one, because you would have lost in the shade most part of the ice tongue.
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Si' e' vero, avevo notato l'interesse "geologico" dello scatto. Ancora complimenti per questa foto bella e interessante
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