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© Flynnsphotography

Antelope Canyon



© Flynnsphotography

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First off I want to say I've seen this picture a bunch of times and it makes me want to go there and get my own shot of this place. It's gorgeous! And this picture is no exception. I love the red, the deep colors, only suggestion is the overblown skylights at the top and the light hitting the sand at the bottom. Both a bit bright. Otherwise gorgeous shot.
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Great composition and exposure. Is the red the way you saw it? When I went it was orange... maybe the light changes color over the course of the day?
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So what's the deal with this place? Is it shoulder-to shoulder photographers down there? This has to be one of the most photographed places on the planet. The photo is well done, and I'm sure it's a beautiful place, but the familiarity of it is too much. Maybe I got up on the wrong side of the bed...sorry. I do like the dust in the sunbeam and I actually like the hotspots. I guess I'm just a bit surprised to see this on the front page, not because it's a bad photo by any stretch of the imagination, but because it is so common. I guess what I'm trying to say is rating this higher than a 5 for originality does not make sense to me. Aside from the originality issue, If I took this I would be proud to hang it
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I was just there last week, and had both the upper and lower canyons completely to myself. No guides, no other people...it was fantastic. Nice colors on this shot. i prefer them in black and white myself, but this is a nice image.
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I like the dust and bright light as well. It gives the scene a bit of mystery. It may be a commonly photographed place but so is the lower falls of the Yellowstone and I can stare at it for hours on end. Great job of capturing a truly great place!
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It is amazing to see this great response from photo.net members. This photo was sleeping on my DVD among 6thousand others I took during my trip though USA Southwest National Parks 2006. Until I have exhibition in my native Bratislava in Slovakia and I started to do some serious editing and the result was 16x24inch photographs on glossy paper. And this photo was my last to edit because my friend wanted a print to hang at his home. But now I see I can thank him.
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An amazingly over-photographed place but your photo provides a slightly different perspective. The wider view is excellent and creates a twisting effect that is paralleled by the erosion lines. Film would have been a better choice here, in terms of highlight rendering.
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interesting load of comments! yes, an astonishingly frequently photographed place - perhaps it justifies a category to itself on PN!? I reckon that it might be an interesting exercise to do just that - assimilate all antelope canyon photos into one area of the site for comparison - might be some interesting lessons there - but I am sure your image would stand out.
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Well, to be honest, I have to agree with the rest. Looks like a pretty easy picture and it doesn't take to much effort for results. I've seen this very often these days. People go to places where is almost impossible to take a bad picture.


P.S. looks like the intro of Capture One.

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You cannot be more wrong. This place is nice and is photographed a lot. But to take a good picture is really hard. Conditions for photography inside the slot canyon are extreme - overcrowded, with wide angle you always have somebody in the composition, it is so dusty that you can't even change lens and you have to clean filter on the lens all the time to be able to photograph clearly, there is really extreme range between highlights and dark shadow areas so good exposure is challenge... We were 5 photographers on this whole trip and took thousands of photos together in 2 hours in Antelope Canyon, but only very few are good. You are inexperienced and naive to think if you go somewhere where is nice landscape it is easy to get a good photo - the opposite is true. If the place is well known you have to be really original and inventive too compete with your view of that famous place. That's why people who have photographed this place gave me positive comments, because they know what it takes to get image like this.


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This is a lovely image. I also took a similar shot on a trip to Utah/Arizona from my home in Scotland. Sadly, I relised on the last day that the 25 rolls of Velvia I had taken were 4 stops under exposed. Lesson, never take a brand new light meter on a holiday!


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Since there is not much in your portfolio to look at, I can't comment on your landscape photography, but come back from Antelope Canyon with a shot of your own like this, and I might consider your point. Just because a place is photographed often, it does not make it any easier to capture a powerful image there. Flynn, I can appreciate the effort on this one. Yes, there have been countless photographs taken here, but this does not look like most. The perspective and the inclusion of hot spots make this one stand out in my mind. This is an excellent photograph.



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To: Anish Desai - Thank you for supporting my opinion about photographing famous places. It took me few seconds to realize that you are talking about photo.net member Ermal Koci and that "he doesn't have much in his portfolio to look at". Yes he has very few photos in his portfolio but very strong comment about photographing places like Antelope Canyon or Grand Canyon. On our trip in US National Park we visited also Grand Canyon and spent whole day trying to take some photos. It wasn't just regular day but July 4th. It was like best place in US for us to spend this Holiday. But surprisingly it was 9-12 degrees Celsius and raining on and of. So I don?t have any usable photo from there at all. And these conditions can happen any time. In Death Valley we had "rain storm" than 45 degree Celsius heat, than strong wind and lightning (July 8. 2006). It is common conflict between studio and outdoor photographers that we just snap a photo of the beautiful place and nothing could be easier. It is the same nonsense like somebody would say that if photographer has beautiful model all pictures are perfect.



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Flynn, this is a very good shot of the place. I do not mind the overblown areas. In fact, trying to fix them would probably do more wrong than good. This way the photo looks natural. I appreciate that the shadow detail is very well preserved. I wish you more good light... Peter
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