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The torso is depicted in an old fashion manner from the end of 19. ct and the beginning of 20. ct. That is, in a manner of Pictorialism style.

The only thing that disturbs me is the thumb and fingers that looks small. Maybe it is a child's torso presented as an adult one.

I give 4/5.

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This is a truly beautiful image. I love the blue tint of the fabric and the texture of it. The deep shadowed lines that define her waist area are just very sensual. This model has a an unusually long torso that is very well presented in this image. Her hand touching her body adds to the sensuality as this action can be fully appreciated by both sexes. The little bit of hair showing in the upper side of the image is my favorite little detail in this image as it gives a little bit more information about our model.
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The "missing hand" didn't bother me at first. I was just very attracted by the GRACE of this pose, and the wonderful movement in that little piece of textile she's wearing... Then, a bit later, I started to wonder where the other hand was... I didn't really think it SHOULD or HAD TO be there, no, but rather, I started wondering whether some technical problem on the left side could have occurred, beacuse I saw what Mona Chrome saw: it looked AS IF the background had started to seriously * EAT * her waist... Then I clicked on the larger view, and I saw I was wrong, meaning: that her waste was in fact complete. Like Mona Chrome, the background * eating up * the waist would have been a problem for me too, but fact is: the waist is NOT missing. Its edge is just dark, and the background is dark too, but the outline is still there ! So, I don't see any technical issue on the left side, in fact...

Now is the hand a bit masculine...? Maybe so... So what...?! Under certain sorts of light, any hand would look masculine, and with the effects applied here, even more so... and anyway, it is allowed for a woman to actually have masculine hands, even in ordinary light and regardless of all Photoshop effects.

I'd say more: given the grace of this pose, of this light, the hand at right becomes an slightly odd element in the composition, and therefore, it raises questions, just like the missing hand does - which is all good, if you ask me...

End of the day, I like this image. I like it very much. Congrats for a tastefully manipulated image.

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The viewer's left of this image seems to be taking some hits, from me as well as others. This can easily be explained as personal preference, or one can take the next step and look at the elements of the image and see the objective reasons that supports one's own visceral reaction!


There is nothing about this image that portends this subject is emerging from the background. There is just blending, texturally, with it and she is parallel to it. Possibly some transitional transparency or body movement more perpendicular to the plane of the background would have rendered a different conclusion. The waist is there, but the area near the top has been obliterated into the background. There is no sign in the torso of a twist that would have buried her into the background or a stretch that she has raised her hand above her head or behind her back--the skin is at rest, everywhere! So, where is the hand/arm and why is the body disappearing? This only matters if it is something that bothers you and, unfortunately, it did create a very awkward feeling to me. This may just be a personal bias, but I hope explaining the basis of the reaction is more valuable than not.


Again, I found the image to be very appealing at first, but there are just a few things that detract from it upon the longer view--for me!

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I do find this piece of art very attractive, the digital treatment gives it a feel that to me is very original. However I have been coming back to it time and time again and reading all of the comments to date and have to say that the left arm is just all wrong to me. It does not fit the rest of the image, lighting and all the other variables come together well. The arm or more the forearm to hand look tacked on or missed altogether by the treatment. Even if the colour were altered in that area or more grain added it would blend with the rest of the body, unless of course that is to be the focus point which is unlikely.


I will restate though that this is very well done, and comes from a 100% film user with no slider button. ( insert smily face here )

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I loved the overall hazy but sensual feel of the photo but somehow the hand and forearm seem as though they do not belong. They seem "heavy" in relation to the rest of the photo.
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I have used films my whole life until recently and will surely use "gliders" for the rest of

my life because I find it more artistic and less technical. My problem, I know. I will also

stay a passionate amateur photographer.


I might therefore for some be disqualified for commenting on this very beautiful POW, but

as mentioned above my psycho tells me that the lady is emerging in front of our eyes and

not disappearing or being eaten by smoke and evil forces - seeing her beauty, I"m a kind

of optimistic guy. I do not find that she has one arm too little but may, on the photo, have

one arm too much. The beauty of this photo is the torso and the fantastic background.


What I'm looking for in a photo is some kind of coherence of visual means and messages

and her manicured fingernails and the hairs on the top of her arm ruins it for me. I don't

believe there is right answer to aesthetic questions like these but we might one day be able

to agree on at least the rules of the game.

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Despite of the low resolution that usually we post our photos that emerges some limitations this specific has a superb sense of minimalism, one of my favorite art movements.Low color info, low contrast without missing the subject as a whole.The crop is as it should be, a little abstract, a little intrigued.Been not a nude photo

but extremely erotic at the same time.Best wishes and Merry Christmas to all of you.

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Wonderful Photo! Great range of tonality for the specific subject! But I wonder what makes so many viewers assume the subject was female? I have seen some articles abut the comparative lengths of various digits, but I don't see many other difinitive clues.
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Here is another shot from the same folder, immediately adjacent to the picture that was named Photo of the Week.


If you cannot see this image in-line here, go to "Gallery" --> Photos of the Week --> Photograph of the Week Forum (not immediately to the pictures below that).



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I've visited with this photo since it was put up as POW. I keep coming back and coming back... this is one of the most alluring images I've ever seen. The talent, vision, and technical ability evident in this photo are breathtakingly strong. It is so impressive that such a compelling image can have as little detail and specificity... it's delightfully simple, understated and beautifully presented. The woman dissolving into the background on the viewers left adds nicely to the understatement and dream-like quality.


As for gender identity, to my physician's eye there was no ambiguity. And I've always personally found women's hands with defined veins the most attractive. I actually like the model's right hand even better than the left, though the pic this discussion is about is, to my eye, the more sensuous and artistically refined of the two.


Congratulations on having a piece chosen POW, and on having created such a lovely piece of art. Regards, David

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Lovely, sensitive treatment of being. The human being fading into nought. The hand distinct,

a fragment of existence and life. The fragility of the material. The colours calm and fading.


A hymn to temporality.

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I love this and will have to try this combination of hand and torso. As a bodybuilder on his first day of this years dieting, I see the soft, shadowy, sensual curves of her lower right ab/hip area as what is so stunning about this photo particularly when juxtaposed with the 2 hard diagonals of the clothing, the lines of the fingers and arm and brightly lit area on the other half of her body. I wonder if the problem many are having with the hand is its emphasis from its brightness and sharpness? The photographer may have been saying something with the hand, but I would use it differently. I see it as a contradicting yet connected form and would move it slightly further behind the body to minimize the size of the bright hand back, at the same time increasing the brightness in the space between forefinger and thumb. Then drop the elbow slightly and with pinkie still touching dress, move thumb and forefinger up slightly so they and the bright area between them and the forearm line more closely follow the diagonal line of the dress and lead the eyes to the area to area at her r and below navel. (sorry about the minor detail, but in bodybuilding, a simple turn under of the hand makes the bicep pop compared to no turn in the bicep shot-ask Arnold) I might burn and blur the back of the hand and last 3 fingers to deemphasize them and slightly blur the index and thumb but leaving the brighness there. Finally, crop down to top of ab at sternum (because my focus is ab/hip), cutting slightly above elbow. That would be my vision, but it doesnt appear to be the photographer's who emphasized the hand with sharpness and brightness. It is his message, so who are we to criticize. Wonderful combination of hand and torso. What would it have been without the hand? Or dark dress diagonals? Wonderful execution-lighting, mix of fabrics, post capture. Model has sensual abs and the image captures that. For bodybuilding, about 2-3% body fat too high- no 6 pack. Could be why few female body builders left, most have gone to figure competition where softer is the standard and to most of us, more appealing. Unfortunately, for men, ripped body and resulting prison-camp face is the standard. Did I mention: DAY 1 OF DIET!!!
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I also like how the body melds with the background. Great subject and composition...I think it may benefit from a little more light to create contrast though.
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The hand draws my attention. The hand is not delicate or refined, rather it is sturdy and with rough natural nails - the hand could be from another person - seems to conflict with the sensual nature of the rest of the picture, particularly the transparent fabric - The dress matches the hand, as does the choice of the choice of dark, mottled tones. It comes very close to a naturalist sensuality, but just misses for me. I am very happy to have seen it. Thank you.
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I think the photos are amazing. I am not sre if the above critiques are actual attempts to help the photographer or if the critics are just showing off their art school jargon, which more often than not has not made them any money.


I like the whole treatment. It is seductive, romantic and shocking - it made me look more than once - which is important. This is art not science. I will probably never taek the perfect shot, but I would like to learn the techniques this photographer uses to get that blurred effect.


I know, I know, photoshop.

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