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we went to warrinton to ride some new street, ben killed these rails. I nearly got hit in the head by his bike.

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one of my favs. Ben is so good to photograph. Will have another go if

you want but usually i never need to ask. he just does stuff, I'm

know when hes gonna do something cool now

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Just so happens that last night I tried that very same style of photography. I never did street sport action stuff like that but it was real fun. Anyway I like this shot exept for the expression on his face, it looks like he's having trouble donig these kinds of tricks though I'm sure it's not the case. I had to throw away a few shots myself last night since some kids had tongues sticking out as they where grinding rails.


I got hit by a skater myself, I wonder what getting a bike must feel like :)


Anyway, nice work but as I said, if you can, try to get somes frames where the trickster looks more in control of himself. I don't find the shot well balanced either but those faults are quite minor. You have the gear and the subject to make some really cool shots, can't wait to see the rest of your stuff.

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getting hit by a bike hurts like hell.Ben just pulls faces, everyone does when they are concentrating so hard. Remember he is traveling backwards down the rail. most people pull a face when concentraing under stress, it's just one of those things nothing you can do about it. I dont find it lowers the picture just something that comes with it. Ditching an image of a kid with his toungue out is like ditching it cause his stance is a bit flamboyant, thats stupid. that toungue out arms high and wide is the kids style. Even Dave Mirra pulls faces under that full face.

Balance wise i think is pretty much spot on, maybe i could of come round little bit to get rid of the darker area on the right but then i'd of been to far round to the side and you wouldnt of seen ben's face or his lean. I gotta say that maybe those skate kids where pulling faces as they didnt know you and were takin the mic a little. true i have the equipment, the luck of working at a camera shop and getting SH stuff super cheap, but thats not got much to do with it.

Gareth - Why do you think the 15mm to extreme?? I think it works well, the swoop of the lines of the stairs. I couldnt get all of ben in and the rail with the 20mm. Theres more than enough of ben in the shot, he's leaning over cause thats his style. He hits the rail with so much force on 180's he has to lean to stop from going over the other side. I got lower to make it look as dramatic as was. As for the bike, you can see 90% of it. i wouldnt of got much more in if i'd of shot from higher. A higher stand point would probably of dragged the dynamics away from the shot anyway.

Thanxs for the comments guys.

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Nice one for getting this photo printed in Ride BMX Magazine UK.

As for the above comment, saying that the photo would look better 'more fill flash'... I don't see how.

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nice composition and perfect blue rail. although its a 180 double peg, he should try double peg up the rail, theyre sooo fun to do. Also, 15mm isnt even "extreme", street shots dont look good far away.
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he's gone up it double peg, and downit backwards to full cab out....

I do think that maybe yeah the 15 is a touch to wide but noone makes a fisheye with a longer focal length. and it was the curvature i wanted.

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