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KABOOM! Severe storm over Rimrock Arizona


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This is the best lightning photo ive seen.

The colours are awesome and you have captured *that perfect strike! WELL DONE!

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I think this is the best of the ones you have posted, this works well for me because of the way you have framed the lightening off centre. The strike is bold and dramatic and you use the space really well. The blue haze around the lightening adds even more drama to the scene. Did you adjust this at all or is that how it really is? Thanks for posting it. Great image
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Thank you Matt for your comments. I only adjusted the brightness, saturation and color temperature. The camera captures all the details but doesn't always show them withought some tinkering. I try to get the final image to look as close as possible to what I saw at the time of exposure. Digital imaging does have it's advantages...
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...mouse while using that good ol' sponge tool? WOW would Warren Faidly or Joel Sartore do a double take on this one.


"The camera captures all the details but doesn't always show them withought some tinkering."


Sorry fella, this journo likes to see the real thing.


Gett'n reeeal frustrating looking for the top rated photos of the week only to find the top rated candy.


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Some people just don't get it. This IS a real image. Nothing has been added, or removed. I only did on the computer what would normally be done in the darkroom. I adjusted the contrast range to bring out the clouds. I corrected the color cast, much as one would do to correct for reciprocity failure. I also removed the "hot pixels" which is not much different from spotting dust and scratches. The image is still REAL, just as nature created it.
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.....it's colors are extending out of the gamut of reality.


Often great skies accompany a South West or Mid-West type of supercell soaker.


Joel Sartore got a famous shot at sunset of a beautiful anvil cloud with a strike, the cresent moon and venus all on one frame of kodachrome while shooting for the Witchita Eagle. After battling a case of flesh eating bacteria, he is shooting for Geographic again.


Warren Faidly has some great lightning stuff, some that he has doped up with filters though, I tend to not like those so much, the color is un-natural and thick:




If you ARE seeing great color like this...then SH_T man! Shoot some film on it and establish a solid foundation of reality on that medium first like I have and then you will be respected for your real work when you are shooting digital.......if not, you are the one who is stuck with that twinge in your stomach as people praise the gospel for colors that have been exaggerated. By overzealous use of the contrast slider in P/S, I have had to tell several young interns that by doing that, you can build up tons of color that is not porpotionate to a real image......"Image-ass, Humphrey-ass Bogardass".





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