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Blue Sunrise


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This is a shot I posted very early on when I first started with photo.net before I knew how to sharpen a shot, adjust contrast, or anything (literally). I did some minor adjustments and wanted to see how it would fare in the ratings and critiquing now that it's got a bit of a new look. As hard as it is, please try to ignore the horrible dust spots--I don't have photoshop loaded up (again...) so can't fix them right now but someone actually used a paint brush and showed me how you could make them completely vanish a while back. So, fortunately I can get rid of them without any harm to the image.
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Rusty old trucks, children playing, bikes along fence lines, and, of course, LIGHTHOUSES just beg for the raising of the camera. This is a fine shot with beautiful compostion, color, and simplicity. Once it's cleaned up it would make for a wonderul wall-hanging. Well done.
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such a soft nice image...i so have to learn that photoshopping tyler............i use googles picasa2..for color and straightning..thats a great help, try it...

it is a real art to be able to "clean" pics up..sometimes i get great help from other photo.net friends....o



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Name your price....for an 11x14 Pack it up and send it to me. I want this one .....My all time FAVORITE!!!! Im not kidding!
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Torfinn--Thanks for the comments...I appreciate the kind words!


Tom--Thanks a ton! Boy does that look WORLDS better! Can you please let me know what you used to do that? (please be as detailed as you care to be since I'm a total rookie to this) I'm going to have to repeat the process on the original, full sized file so I can do the printing. I do have a local gallery that wants to market this image so the sooner I can learn to process it and print it the better!


Ashley--Thanks for the kind compliment. I'll be more than happy to sell you a print. Let me get it cleaned up for printing and get it printed so it looks right--this may take several weeks. Since I consider you one of my photo.net friends, you'll definitely get a steep discount. I'll be in touch! I checked out your portfolio the other day--I'm not sure if you realize it or not, but you are improving by leaps and bounds! Keep it up! Focus on your exposures--try to make sure when you do your compositions that there are no really dark or really bright spots--I still see some burnt out spots here and there in your shots. Focus on that and it will help you continue to improve!

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I love the contrast between the subtle colourings of the sky sand and water, and the stark lines of the light house. I thought this was a long exposure at first, with the white being surf, but I see it is actually the sand, it looks so pure and white!
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Thanks Tyler!!!! Im so excited. I need some new art to hang on my walls! I need a good picture with some pretty golds in it too. So print me a nice sunset pic as well. I trust your opinion! Thanks for looking at my pics!!! I took some GREAT ones this weekend! Ill load them tonight....so make sure to take a look!!!! Take care my Photo.net friend!!!!! And its good to know...Im improving...makes me feel good. Especially when people that take awesome shots like this lighthouse like my work.... :-)
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Bella composicion de esta bella imagen, muy bien encuadrado el faro, dejando asi la regla de los tercios a la perfeccion, tanto en su composicion de agua-tiarra-cielo, con un magnifico encuadre, Saludos cordiales Tyler..Beautiful composition of this beautiful image, very well framed the lighthouse, leaving this way the rule from the thirds to the perfection, so much in their water-tiarra-sky composition, with an I magnify alignment, cordial Greetings Tyler.
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I had previously posted this image before I did any post-processing or added the frame. Here are the comments if anyone is interested:


Gary Woodard, October 25, 2006; 11:03 A.M.


Tyler, one thing that requires care when showing our photographs to others is what is not included. We often are drawn to our own images for circumstances that surrounded the taking of the image. Elements that are not shown in the image itself but the image acts as a memory recall when we look at it.


I think some of that is present in this image. You went out expecting a particular type of shot but nature did not get your agenda and gave you something new, different and pleasantly surprising. So this image recalls something unexpected that you enjoyed. It also shows a willingness to work within the perimeters of what is available rather than forcing the image to your preconceptions.


You have already given this image its best possible critique. You have isolated the elements and drawn accurate conclusions. The opposites in the image work well: the brightness of the blue/the dullness of the colors of the lighthouse; the largeness of the sea and sky/the smallness of the lighthouse; and best of all the horizontal bands of color/the vertical lighthouse whose stripes mimic the bands.


It is a very simple, very quiet image that is extremely well done and presented.


Tyler Wind, October 25, 2006; 02:19 P.M. (edit | delete)


Thank you, Gary! Your comments are greatly appreciated! Furthermore, you pointed out some things that I liked about this picture but couldn't really put my finger on until I read your review. Thanks again for stopping by and taking the time to write such a thoughtful review!




David Branch, October 25, 2006; 04:04 P.M.


I like the photograph for the same reasons you pointed out in your own comments. The photograph is actually quite good. I like the composition with the lighthouse to the right and the band of sand and water across the bottom. I believe you have captured the "story" of erosion, time and the fragile nature of man-made structures in the face of nature.


Tyler Wind, October 25, 2006; 04:19 P.M. (edit | delete)


Thank you, David! I am most appreciative of your comments and glad you took the time to share them. I'm glad you enjoyed the photo. Thanks!


David Branch, October 25, 2006; 04:47 P.M.


I would also like to add that I especially like the subtle nature of the colors and the subject matter. Many photographs are dramatic, some to the point of being overly dramatic and over saturated. This photograph on the other hand tells a story with understated beauty. The colors themselves are pleasing to the eye and as you pointed out, the band of pink at the bottom adds to the varying shades of color.


It would be interesting to see the same lighthouse from the same perspective taken during a storm. One dramatic, the other calm.


Also, you might want to try auto level in Photoshop, it will bring out the color just enough to make a difference, but that is a personal opinion. I only mention it because you stated that the color has degraded when uploaded.


Stephen Whitehead, October 28, 2006; 07:57 A.M.


Congratulations Tyler - beautifully simple and subtle. You are hitting a rich vein of form with your compositions.


Landrum Kelly, November 03, 2006; 02:18 A.M.


Your best yet, Tyler, in my opinion.




Lennart. K.V. Bardal., November 18, 2006; 11:13 A.M.



I just want to say that i agree with the others here. It is good and beautiful work. Very nice colours and light. Soft and simple, nicely done. Regards LKV.


Ashley Stone, January 02, 2007; 05:50 P.M.


I looooooooooooove this picture. I love lighthouses. Is this Bodie Lighthouse? I looks like it. This is a picture I would frame for my wall. The color you have captured is powerful. Very Very nice work! Keep it up!!!!!!


Nina Hayhurst, January 25, 2007; 01:53 P.M.


not quite my shores

Amazing sunrise, Tyler. I can't say I've ever seen a blue sunrise but I must say you captured it very well!



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Con frecuencia menos es mas. Una composicion minima, con pocos elementos, pero muy elocuentes. El espacio alrededor tiene un color magnifico. Una de las fotos que a uno le hubiese gustado hacer. Enhorabuena y un 7/7.
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