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"The Great Escape"


This is an "as shot" single exposure image, the only editing done to it is to convert it to B&W and adjust the levels/curves/contrast. Message me if you would like to know how it was created.

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This was an experimental shot, done with a single exposure. It has

not been edited other than turning the original color file to B&W. I

figured out that I could do this by accident while screwing around

with my first manual control camera (digital) on a vacation a few

years ago. Once I accidentally discovered the technique, I speant

about 45 minutes in the middle of the night modifying and trying new

things until I ended up with this.....


Opinions, questions, critique welcome, keeping in mind that this was

an experimental image, I have since shot variations on the idea of

duality of a single subject in a single-exposure self-portrait, but

I still like this one.

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