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Fine Art

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I'm assuming that 'you want to hear it all' means you are open to all reactions? I can imagine this as some kind of ad for an org. helping abused children. You obviously are a very talented photographer...however, the photo leaves me cold...and annoyed. My first reaction was 'this is staged'...If a child is indeed bleeding, we get help - not shoot photos. If we find a child in a chicken coop, we call the authorities. It looks like a backdrop in back of her. I'm assuming this is a model...what did you tell her, 'Honey, let's pretend you are an abused little girl'? I don't think this works at all. ken
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I cannot see beauty in this image. If you wanted to make a statement (which I doubt to be the case) what is it?
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Dose a great image have to have beauty? Or can it not just be strong, powerful, emotional, mysterious, ambiguous, or heart wrenching?
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_Dose a great image have to have beauty? Or can it not just be strong, powerful, emotional, mysterious, ambiguous, or heart wrenching?_


Can, this is a good example of that.


Here is another one, taken by me. Street pic, not model. It is funny how people like to tell you what you should do and how not just take a photo of situation. I wonder how much of their effort, time and money have they donated to make 3rd world easier place to live. Photo can just make you think, sometimes that is greatest thing what one man can achieve.





btw, Good shot! =)

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wheather some like it or not, this photo does exactly what any good photo should do: it transmits feelings.


very well done, candice!


best regards!


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Clearly clear statemement, if we can put away our emotions for a minute. The girl is mad at the world, and she is planning and nourishing revenge.She looks outside (her fence) with all anger and pain!


Good picture!

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