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Planet Earth

Shot with Canon EOS Rebel with multiple layers and manipulations in contrast and color..

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An image characterized by discreteness of elements. Complex and diverse in visual effects. a large portion of the frame is occupied by the individual visual elements without creating a uniform Gestalt response or invocation.


I struggled to weld the title with the multiplicity of visual elements, but to no avail; for instance, what is the visual significance and weight of the diagonal pine tree cutting through the upper edge of the frame? The left right corner is annoyingly overexposed while the bottom left is in total underexposure. This is a contrast in tonality Rembrandt was so adept in employing to paint the sheer contradiction between good and evil, but here I reckon the effect is more a technical defect due to picking an improper hour to shoot.


The line on the left leads upward and joins the tree which transfers the visual importance out of the frame !?


The only gratifying element which is a bit puzzlement is the jagged-oulined there

near the bottom left golden mean. The motif ( if it can be called that) is in an indecisive state neither having been sharpened ( compositionally- Kuffka's Gestalt

principle of 'sharpening the motif') nor leveled ( placed dead center ).


If you crop the left edge a bit, it can sharpen the motif and cut out a portion of the useless shadow clipping ( underexposure ).


I can also spot an object resembling a ladder or a bridge (?) with no interpretation to justify it's presence regionally and Gestalt-wise.


The least thing you can do in my opinion is to cross out the title which has decimated the viewer's response. we can't expect the viewer to see what isn't there or is too profound bound by relative personal experiences non-accessible and incomprehensible for the next guy.


If you cross it out, at least you are freeing the viewer to come up with his own interpretation reached through grouping, perceiving, using personal experience pool, linkage of the visual elements no matter if they have subtlety

or are direct and clear in transferring the underlying message.


Thanks for sharing this photo with us.

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I can see the cropping ideas. I will probably try them later today. What I actually liked about this image was the textured blue, greens and browns found towards the center to right of the image. In retrospect, I probably would just cut out the entire top half of the image and crop in closer on each side. Then I could call it "Cropped mess". Well thanks for the feedback. It definitely gave me a different perspective.
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Yes, I like this version much better. One of the reasons that the bottom was so dark was that I was trying to pull out detail and color in the top. The exposures are actually correct in each original photo, however became darkened once I layered them. I will try to attatch the two original photos. I did it before however they were huge.

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