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© Copyright 2007, John Crosley, All Rights Reserved

Rita II


Nikon D2Xs, Nikkor 70~200 E.D. Full frame--uncropped. Essentially unmanipulated.


© Copyright 2007, John Crosley, All Rights Reserved

From the category:

Nude and Erotic

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Rita II Category: Nudes and Fine Art. Your ratings and critiques

are invited and most welcome. You might want to have a look at the

first in the series, posted a day or so ago in this two-photo

folder, as it represents a departure for me. If you rate harshly or

very critically, please submit a helpful and constructive comment;

please share your superior photographic knowledge to help improve my

photography. Thanks! Enjoy! John

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I'm no expert but I think I'd crop this about 33% from the left. I love the hand and the contact w/ the nipple. But the left side just confuses the image.

Just a thought. Nice image.

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I accept your suggestion as made with good wishes; I probably won't be cropping this particular photo that way, for several reasons.


One is that probably I'm the master of the simplistic post -- the one-dimensional photo, but I'm capable of taking more complex shots, and this is one of them.


I felt it proper to take a photo of both breasts, and from two different angles here, in a Picassoesque sort of manner, (without comparing myself in any way with Picasso, so let's get that straight).


Rita, here, is blessed with probably some of the world's most perfect breasts AND nipples, and when I was photographing her glamour style, I stopped for a moment and said "let's do some 'fine art'" and confound everybody who looks at your glamour shots showing her in bustier, topless and eventually completely nude, all against a window (here the back light for the silhouette).


I discovered that her nipples have an unusual shape and that shape sometimes is the subject of 'kinkiness' that is related to a fetish and they're called 'puffies' -- at least they are 'halfway there' as 'real puffies' stick way out sometimes and are delineated by several layers of erectile tissue within the aureole and nipple showing prominently.


Here, Rita's are prominent but not so prominent as to be classified within fetish worship territory (as one prominent PN photographer posted about two years ago, and did not acknowledge).


It begs the question to ask Rita whether she was 'excited' or not, and that's a question I did not ask her; I had never seen her breasts before this or after, so I can make no comparisons, but I have seen women's breasts grow larger when they are photographed nude -- it's a little kept secret that some women are exhibitionists (and I'd probably classify Rita by her general dress and demeanor as a person who likes to be looked at, and to be thought of as a 'sex bomb' as that term is used in her native country. That is a compliment as she would use it and as the men hereabouts use it -- so no derogation meant or taken by her. And Rita is not unenlightened; she's an entrepreneur from the git-go; capable since 16 of providing her own living and a good one at that, with enormous hustle -- a 'go-to' person and one I've grown to employ as one of my extended 'staff' for certain tasks. (she can be found elsewhere in my folder, with Alina, 18.) Rita is 20 and in the flower of her womanhood.


Now, about this photo and its relationship to breast shape and size. Since Rita has about perfect breast shape and size, available only to a woman her age and size, it was time to memorialize that, and I attempted to do that, with some difficulty. This is the only in-focus shot of a dozen I attempted -- lighting was tricky as was focus for this particular shot.


Now, about including the right breast (left as you view it) breast, it now only allows a Picassoesque view of Rita's grut as they're called in Russian (phonetic spelling, as I don't have a Cyrillic keyboard), the reason for inclusion also was the shape of the left nipple reveals something about the shape of the nipple due to the way the light falls on it.


The light falls on the right breast, there is a shininess on the breast itself from the dim winter sunlight filtering through the thick clouds outside the window. Then there is a second shininess as the nipple begins its 'rise' in the aureole, I think, and finally there is the faint showing of a 'third rise' at the very end.


Truly this is a remarkable breast; and deserving of a thorough examination photographically as a work of art; as few women's breasts ever are so beautiful in their lives, and the lighting here is as perfect as I could imagine.


Yes, I could have cropped to the left breast and left out the right breast entirely, and that would have made for another CROSLEY simple one-dimensional photo, but this photo has something more. Why cut the right breast in half at the nipple? Artistic judgment and nothing more. I'm open to criticism on this, but it was my choice and I'd take the same photo again and again.


I think by inclusion of the right breast (left as you look at it), the photo becomes vastly more complex, her wonderful and 'not ageless' attributes will be memorialized in a way that couldn't have another way, as you suggested. In fact, as you suggested, the photo probably would have just become a cliche, as I've seen that photo any number of times.


I don't like to take cliches very much (although I do from time to time); I'm more of the sort of guy like Loft Portugal, a Photo.net stalwart and master of the original, who gave this a 7/7; and a look through his highest-rated gallery shows unusual shots from known masters, and often not their best-known shots. Portugal's shots themselves are among the most original anywhere. (If only I truly in any shot were in any category nearly as original as any of his work . . . )


So, David, I won't be taking your advice, but for reasons that are well thought out; I think it would result in a cliche and this results in a more complicated revelation of Rita's assets.


Rita thought it was wonderful, as did Alina, who showed up to view it being edited today (yesterday afternoon as it's well after midnight). They're buddies, photo-model partners and both have very masculine boyfriends, and both share a love for feminine beauty in photography. When I have the model and her partner's approval, I know I'm on the right track . . . and I may take this and the other photo (the pair) and frame them and put them on my wall (either in color or black and white).


(as to the issue of 'puffies' and fetishism, I question whether an admiration of 'puffy' nipples qualifies as true fetishism unless it becomes an actual substitute for normal sexual attraction, which it does not in the majority of admirers. (But so what, there are many kinky people who have fetishes, who are walking the streets without doing any harm . . . anybody who's visited a London phone box and read the post cards attached to those boxes or the walls nearby can attest that fetishism seems to be part of what makes London unique and it certainly is (or was) pervasive there.


So, there you have it, a discursive answer, as usual.


By the way, I often take viewers' suggestions, so don't ever hesitate to make them; I truly take them seriously (as the above should show).


John (Crosley)

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I spoke to Rita about this photograph today, which she likes very much, and asked her if she knew her breasts had a name with fetishists, called 'puffies' and she said clearly and succinctly:


'Yes, I know.'


End of story.


John (Crosley)

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