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Iso 800 F5.6 sec 1/800

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The face of an ordinry summerday with lots of cumuli. I thought this was something for Lou Ann?


The windmill is roughly one and a half km from my yard.


Taken with Canon 30D on the 28th of Aug 2006 at 4.30 pm

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On the 6th of mmay 2005 at 10..20 am (what was I doing at home that day?)... canon 10D ... with lots of dust on the censor ... sighhh


Overcasted with heavy clouds ... a day where the sun won't be able to win. My - there are so many of these days and they look so absolutely much better on photos than in reality.


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4th of may 2005 at 7 pm .... still the Canon 10D


Nowwww ... something is happening. The meeting between clear sunshine and the darkest skies and thunderstorm.

I had to be quick ... before it few seconds later all drowned in rain.

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1st of June 2006 at 7.00 pm .... Canon 30D


Not the same day as the other drama .... but very a like ... and this time with a rainbow ending at the foot of the windmill.


I wonder why it always end there and not one and a half km from there ... in my yard.

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On the 4th of March 2005 at 9.04 am ... Canon 10D ( and lots of dust on the censor ... the worst weakness of Canon SLR I think)


... and the winter came ... mostly wet and cloudy ... but one day with clear sunshine, a little snow and -6 F .... pretty cold but a beautiful day.

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30th of July at 5 pm with canon 30D.


You - the danish summer - oh, how I love you though you so often have been betraying me. Long lazy warm days with quietness only disturbed by humming bees. Days worth being a live. What do you think, Mr. Windmill? Even you don't have to work on a day like this.

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Same evening ... 30th of July at 21.30 pm


When you are a loafer you might be a moonlighter.


Taken with the harvest moon in my back. Forgot to bring the tripod that evening ..... too.



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24th of June 2006 at 5.00am


There are times being beautyful beyond words .... the way they graps you. This morning was one of them ... beyond words. I went out for a walk, the cats followed me and every move I took at the same time as they were hunting for mice ... or whatever that was moving.

And there ... I could hardly see my mill in the morning fog - only the top of it. Looked like an angel in front of the rising sun. I knew it would become a good day.

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24th of June 2006 5.10 pm ... Canon 30D


That sunrise was breathtaking .... at least for me. As the sun took over the fog disappeared


Made me think of some lines in a danish children song:


Quiet quiet quit


now the sun is rising


the trolls of the night has disappeared


the last one into a cup of coffee and might never be found again


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.... for 2 or 3 days in march 2006 it was -11 F ... and a great morning for shooting the windmill again. I went up to the end of my road so this is a little closer and a little differnet in the angle ... if you should notice that.



And what have you learned about the Danes now?


You have not learned they happen to be good photographers all


But you have learned


they get crazy ideas


they bables a lot


and they love to talk of the weather all the time - even there isn't any weather to talk of - at least we can talk of that


.... and we have had no cold and snowy winter this year - there you see what I mean.


What I have learned about you?


You are very patient.


Thanks for taking all the way throug this little serie of my windmill.... and weatherforcast.

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This is as simple as it can be - a windmill shot at sunrise. A most

boring banality. What can become even more boring? I'll tell you

what - 12 more pictures of the same windmill but I ask you please

have a look anyway.


Once I saw a movie with a man who every day at the same time during

a whole year took a photo in the same spot of the same street. I

don't remember the title of the movie but I have ever since been

wondering where I would do something like he did.... and I have

never got started.

However some months ago I was looking for a picture and then I

realized I had taken several photos of this windmill - and most of

them from the same spot in front of my yard - but on different times

of the year and different times during the day and the night ......

and here they are some of them .... showing the many faces of the

very same windmill and scenery which I normally find boring.


They are taken over 2-3 years and with different cameras ... all

Canons with a D in the end of the name.


Take a look ... maybe some of you have done something like

this ....intentional ..... or unintended.

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Interesting work. Good material to build a ppt chaining the images... And you are right... I've done similar series of other subjects without having planned it...Kind regards.
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YAY!! Thank you, first of all, for thinking of me! When I just saw the shot at the top of the page, I was excited, thinking, "That's Bente's windmill!!" :-)


This has to be one of the most interesting presentations I've seen here in quite a while. First of all, each of the photos stands on its own. I love your comments on them. And I really love that you have a place where you can photograph this windmill in various weather conditions. Such fun!!!


I'm going to forward the link to this image to a bunch of people ... I'm sure that they'll enjoy it!! Thank you again!!

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Antanas ... thanks for your genorousity. I'm very pleased.


Lennart .... thank you for stopping and have a look here. Very appreciated.


Dan ... thanks for your nice comment. I have been visiting your portfolio and seen your windmills too . I think you got 'the soul' of them.



Josep ... thanks for stopping here.... and as I said ... there had to be other than me shooting the same object in various condition ... intentional or unintented.




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YAY Lou Ann ... big smile. One of my thoughts when putting this up was if you would recognise it ... and you did. WOW.


I'm so glad you like it and you like the idea of this serie. Your comment is much more than appreciated. Thank you so much for your kindness.

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"Dan ... thanks for your nice comment. I have been visiting your portfolio and seen your windmills too . I think you got 'the soul' of them."


its very possible that the soul entered me, i slept under the thing for a night (was the old man's idea...) with half the tent pegged on the bolts... wow, what a long night. It wasnt the blade's sound, it was the generator whirring around inside...


Thank you for looking over my portfolio and commenting, its very appreciated. I hope to look over yours tonight.

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Bente, your above presentation is inspiring... You have been capturing the soul of the subject. It becomes possible when you are in love with the subject.... You have the soul of a true artist. My hearty congratulations! And... admirations!
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It is a great series you present here. A fine example of the whole being much more than the sum of its parts. Regards,



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