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carl smith

Yellow/green filter on EIR at 400. TTL metering.

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I didn't think this photo would be anything special. In fact,

because of the purple/blue color to it, I shot it again with normal

color slide film and I'm hoping to get good results.


What's the appeal here, what's the story? Anyone care to enlighten

me? This may just be momentary ignorance, and I usually don't care

one bit about the ratings on my photos, but I was surprised to have

any when I was floating through my folder and looked at this one.


Weird request I know, but I'm curious what the opinions are on this,

and if this is something people like. I like the concept of it, but

the execution, or rather the film choice I guess is poor. I plan to

do more like it so if anyone has any opinions/thoughts/inspirations

or anything to share, I guess I'm open to hear them right now.

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To me it would be both the relatively unusual perspective (thanks to the fisheye) and the deep blue. Well done.
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I like it because it's everything I don't expect from what is usually such a cold, corporate subject.

1. The color is warm where I expect cold.

2. The wide angle lens distortion gives curved lines where I expect only rigidity and lines that play by the rules.

3. Nature plays an important role as seen in the clouds and also the reflection of the sun where I expect man-made objects to dominate.

It feels refreshing. I hardly look at the buildings. It somehow seems to be more about nature. I can't get my eyes off the clouds. It also seems like the sun has triumphed over man-made obstacles by finding a path to our eyes through the reflection.

Some of life's best things were never planned.

Nice job.

Jarred McCaffrey


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That glint of flare from the window is part of it I think, The real strength is the interesting shape made between the building and the black bit. Personally I find the fish-eye barrel distortion a bit distracting and colour rather flattening. Did you try de-saturating it to monochrome? I'm confused by the earlier post about the colours being "warm". It's warm as blue goes, but that's like saying Denmark is warm relative to Greenland...
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I must say thanks for the opinions so far. I had been initially put off by the color and the reflection of the sun in the window. Suppose I thought it was distracting.


I do agree that the Provia will definitely not be as interesting, but I chose a time of day with good lighting and clouds, so I'm hoping it'll work, but in a different way.


Again, thanks so far. Anyone else?

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Here's a BW version just for comparison. The losing the sky colour is a definite minus I think. Also the blown out bit at the top of the building looks more obvious than in the original... I don't know (and if anyone wants to call me a butcher again, save it)

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I very much like the framing and the lighting. Good use of leading lines.


The color doesn't really look like IR to me though. It has the appearance of messed up normal film. I don't care for it in black and white either so I'm not entirely sure what I would like to see done to make it better (sorry, not much help there).

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It all works together. The spherical distortion, the artificial color, the almost Cubist feel of the visual elements, all combine to create a striking image. Definitely not your average documentary shot of a modern highrise. You lucked out! (Always claim you planned every detail!) *S*
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I like it, i think it looks futuristic, end of the world. Also as though someone is watching from the window with the lens flare!
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Odd color casts can be expected with IR "color" film, so no surprises there. It's a fish-eye view of a building, with the effect of that "thing" across the top (whatever it is) making it more of an abstract image. It's nice, but not the kind of thing I'd hang on my wall.
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Gotta love that Zenitar eh? I just bought mine, havent had time to use it but ive seen some great pics with some!
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The Zenitar is a funny lens...and by the way I like the use you made of it on this shot..


It shows that there's a work (IR) and a research behind it...really nice, I would like to see other shots!



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