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Oh, What Are The Odds?


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It's a great image but I think it'll be better if you lose the cross. It looks like you're target shooting.
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Very nice! I like the imagery, but I agree that the crosshairs do not add anything. Beware of the dreaded "Medium shot" effect. The plain dark foreground does not add anything. Zoom in and make the subject have more impact!
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Is it a Photo or an illustration..The lightning and person look handdrawn. The only thing that resembles photography are the clouds. Tell us about the origination of this shot.
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I probably should have placed this piece in my 3D folder because the subject of this image is not real. I apoligize if I mislead some of you. The entire background (clouds and grass) is a photograph. The lightning and model are all added in. The model being a 3D creation and the lightning being a PhotoImpact effect. So I would say this classifys as more of an illustration than a photo. For those of you interested, I tried zooming in on the subject and removing the star effect as suggested. click here to see I like the end result much better. Thanks for the comments.
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The scientist in me thinks that the "plasma ball" effect is overdone. However, if you want to retitle the photo "The wrath of God!" then science isn't needed. I think that if the figure were on the left and the lightning zig-zaged in from the right it would be a more interesting composition. Totally interesting idea though. I'm glad you did it.
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