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© All rights reserved - Don Paulson

Frost Rimmed Leaves


500D Close up Attachment used.


© All rights reserved - Don Paulson

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I'm with Rasheed! Excellent detail, great colors, best composition I've seen, dof, everything! Really top notch work here
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I?m trying to capture this beautiful image on my mind to still enjoy after I close the PC :o))))) WONDERFUL detail!




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Love the contrast between the leaves and the frost rims plus contrast in colors. I als think the almost pastel background accentuates the final image that much more. This will make a fine print ;-)
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Very charming, and pleasing, image with beautiful shapes and lines, Don...! I'd like to see the image at a tiny bit darker side though.
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Don, I want to congratulate you for being among the Editors' Picks: Frozen Nature Photography. This is stunning. Well done and all the best.
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