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This is the second part of my work GAIA. This time using more digital alterations instead of "photopainting".


I wish you like it. I want to know your opinion. Thanks for your time ;-)

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One word Donibane - masterpiece! To me, this is the culmination of all of your work and techniques all on show in one piece. 10/10 for me. Glenn++++
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My culmination... no way Glenn ;-) I am just 38... I need to improve a lot ... (thanks for your comment).


There is something interesting about photo manipulation and it is the message.


What we want to tell de people?... This is an example of it... One more time GAIA appears, the nature against us, the human race... this could be the main idea.


Thanks for your time ;-)



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I like the idea and the subtle colours. But I find that the composition doesn't work very well - it is very complicated at the top and feels chopped off while there is a lot of empty space across the middle that doesn't have much interest. Also, there is so much going on in the image that the arch frame seems ultra stark and out of place. I seem to have listed lots of things that I may have done differently, but there is a lot of good things too!
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Thanks to all of your for your comments and rates.


Lucy, I really appreciate your comment. I know that is not easy to valorate this kind of works. As I see you are 20 years old but have your own ideas how this "digital alterations" really works effectivily, and this is fantastic.


I agree with you, this is not my culmination work (sorry Glenn, ladies first ;-))


And you explain me why... incredible...


What more can I say?... I promise to improve... ;-) (at least I will try)...

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Well Donibane my friend, as the score reads right now, 5 people who have given you 7's and a few more at 6/6 say that the composition works! LOL... so do you want to believe the pretty 20 year old instead then that is okay too. No disrespect intended Lucy! To me, the emptiness in the middle is consistent with the images of the man-made scourge you have pictured there. So maybe this won't be the culmination of all of your work - I am sure there are many more leaps for you to make - but you know you're on the right track!
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"emptiness in the middle is consistent with the images of the man-made scourge" you wrote Glenn... and yes, the hand is the important... is where I want to focus the attention...


But to tell you the trueth Glenn, Lucy is right... there is something about this alteration that does not work (at least to me). She gaves me some ideas why she thinks it does not work and I appreciate that.


And it does not matter that at the same time is an 7/7, for sure it is...


Valorate this works is difficult and as you know rates are not the important, but we love a 7/7.


As an artist (almost 25 years painting, designing and manipulating photos), my goal is to improve and with people like you and Lucy, and other people from photo.net for sure I will do it.


Yes, the right track ;-)) Thanks for your time Glenn...

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creative frame..

seamless montage of all elements and colors

i do not like the lower brigh grass . the brigt part drw attention away from main subject, but di not dd too much to his image.


since the photo is so original,, i still give 7/7..


longtang john lin

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*clears throat* Could this be the best rated image you have Donibane... LOL... Maybe you will believe me next time when I use words like 'culmination'!!! Take care my friend and enjoy your success! Glenn
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Yes, you were "right" and I was "wrong" ... this is my culmination work ;-)


So, what can I do now?...


Write a book? Yes, I am writing one, of course a Science Fiction one ... but it is just in spanish... I will try to translate it to english as soon as possible...


Do you know any "writers page"... but with no rates option please... I dont want to see more 3/3 rates... ;-))

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I have seen a few writer's places but they did not have many participants - I have thought about joining one too, but I would love to figure out a way to join photography and writing together as one, possibly as collage...? Anyway, you know I am just messing with you on the 'culmination' thing; I think you and I both know that it is a double-edged sword hitting those peaks because then we have to endure a few months (or more) waiting for the next masterpiece... It is better to play each piece like it is the same as all the others. Well, best wishes, and may your wait until your next masterpiece be a short one! Glenn
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Donibane, it is two months after you posted this image and my thoughts keep coming back to it. Your technique here is sooo magical... you have some similar images and I cannot stress enough that I feel they are your strongest. This a work with a meaning, a strong feeling, a mastery of technique, and all of that. Anyway, I keep meaning to ask you if you would consider a collaboration or something of the sort. I have some shots a took at the museum (of natural history) with crows, wolves, bears, etc (not alive but preserved of course) and I thought they would be great in a collage of this kind... making a strong statement about the anger of the earth at man's negligence. Anyway... onward....
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Thanks Glenn, it is always nice to read your comments ;-)


Of course it would be great to make a collage of that kind... making a strong statement about the anger of the earth at man's (and woman?s) negligence.


Just tell me what do you need ;-) And for sure I will try...

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Comparto todos los comentarios que se han hecho ya alabando esta obra, la idea es genial y la realizaci�n perfecta como siempre. S�lo una peque�a obsevaci�n con toda humildad: me encantarí¡ comprar una obra como esta para colgar en mi sal�n, si no fuera por el marco de la puerta, no digo que sobre pero la textura que tiene me corta el rollo.
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Gracias David. La verdad es que el marco de la puerta (como tu lo llamas) lo puse al final (bueno, es una larga historia). De todas formas agradezco tus palabras, aqui tienes un amigo ;-))
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