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Tiger Striped Sunrise


100% unmanipulated--straight out of the camera!

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I thought the cloud formation for this sunrise was pretty unique. Any

thoughts or comments are greatly appreciated!

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Subhendu, Lennart, and Pawel--Thank you for the kind remarks! I always try to ignore ratings but it's easier said than done and I must say that I feel like this picture has been taking a beating in the ratings category so your words are greatly appreciated! Thanks again!
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This a great Image, I find all your work to be very well done.
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Steve--Well, I can't say that even *I* can agree that "all" my work is well done, but I do like that think that "most" of it is! Thanks so much for your comments on my shots--it is always great to hear from you and I really do appreciate the compliments, especially coming from our outstanding photographer like yourself!
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First, thanks for commenting on some of my photos. It has given me a chance to check out your work. Looks like we share a common interest to capture beautiful seascapes and landscapes. I also read your bio and I agree with your philosphy of using photoshop to enhance photos and not to create something that was not origiinally there. You really should take the plunge and buy PS. It's worth every penny. I shoot a lot of landscapes with dramatic light and PS has been really help to improve those types of images. The beach scene with the tree extending out was 4 exposre that I manually blended with PS to create a final image that had a good even exposure. Nothing too bright, nothing too dark. Also, I noticed that you're from VA. I lived in the Hampton Roads area for over 20 years. Small world.

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Will--Thanks for your comments. I actually already took the "plunge" and now have photoshop--just have to learn how to use it! How did you learn? Did you use a book or CD? Or, just trial and error? I know that many electronic/computer types things you just have to learn with experience but I'd love to expedite the process! Do you sell any of your work? You really have some great shots! It's amazing that the beach tree shot came from so many exposures...I really have to get to work on photoshop! I've bracketed every shot I've ever taken and often I like certain aspects of the results that are 2 or 3 stops apart--I assume photoshop would be a huge help with that problem! Glad to see you lived in VA as well...I'm in SC now but am definitely heading back to VA. Such a beautiful state and I love it!
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You don't need to bracket if you shoot RAW. What I did in the beach scene was take two shots which I exposed for different parts of the sky, one exposure for the water and the last for the tree. I used layer masks to blend them. I'm a huge fan of photoshop so I have books, DVDs, magazines, you name it. The best book I could recommend is Photoshop CS2 for Digital Photographers by Scott Kelby. Also join NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals) Their website is photoshopuser.com. I do sell my landscape prints although I make most of my money from portraits and weddings which is not as fun as landscapes it they pay better.


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Will--Thanks again. Any DVDs you would recommend for photoshop training? I'll check out the website you mentioned. By the way, how do you go about selling yoru landscape shots? Do you use internet? Local shops? I'm trying to break into this but can't figure out how. Do you think I have any images that may sell? Keep in mind this will never be my plan to get rich or even support myself--I'm just looking to make a few extra bucks that I can use to support this hobby by upgrading equipment, buying new lenses, etc. Thanks for all your input--I really appreciate it!
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Actually most of the DVDs from Scott Kelby and Ben Wilmore are really great. Total Training DVDs are good too. Just google Total Training and Scott and Ben's DVDs are on photoshopuser.com. I usually sell most of my prints to friend and word of mouth. I do have a website but I use that for mainly portrait proofs. Trust me on this one, you will make next to nothing selling landscape prints. Only a handful of great landscape photographers make decent money from their prints and that's because they're great and they shoot exotic locations. If you want to make any kind of money from photography, start shooting portraits and weddings. They're not nearly as fun as landscapes but people want to pay for photos of themselves not scenery.
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Will--Thanks for the info...I appreciate it and will be picking up some of those instructional DVDs you mentioned. I can't say it is the answer I wanted to hear, but I appreciate your honesty about landscape. With that said, when you say you make "next to nothing" what does that mean? Does that mean you don't even make $50, or is "next to nothing" possibly $1000-$2000 in a year? I'm not looking to get rich or even feed myself, but I would like to make a few bucks off my landscapes if I could.
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Tyler you make me sick. Youre photography is amazing. And it makes me wanna give up. I want to be able to shoot this good. Are you sure you were supposed to be a surgeon? Take Care!
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Tom--Thanks for the comment...always good to hear from you and have your input!


Ashley--Don't give up, I assure you that you are progressing and will do very well in this hobby! Your portraits are coming along nicely. Let me assure you that shooting this shot was like catching fish in a barrel. I really just got the camera pointed in the right direction at the right time and shot a bunch of bracketed exposures. It really takes little to no talent in my mind. Composition does require some thought and talent, although I'm not sure I'm charting any new waters with this composition either! As you learn more and more about your camera I PROMISE you shots like this will seem easy to you as well. I have learned a lot over the last few months and now exposure is second nature--all my attention is on composition and finding the right day. You don't know how many days I went to the beach at 6am and the sunrise did NOT look like this...you gotta be there at the right time. There is a certain bit of luck involved with photography...when you combine that with some knowledge and follow that up with some skill, then you get great shots. Stick with it...you're gonna do well!

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this one i prefer over the other, these are more reality colors...but i do like the other one as well...............nice to see the difference.....to compair....this is gorgeous tyler !!



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