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The Fog


100% unmanipulated--straight out of the camera!

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This image is 100% unmanipulated--40 second exposure straight out of

the camera. Any thoughts or comments are much appreciated!

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A 40 second exposure straight out of the camera and 100% unmanipulated. I like the composition with the foreground marsh grass but it's a little dark in this shot. I have very widely bracketed exposures but in the other shots the bridge is burnt out a bit and the sky looks like sunset in Hawaii (even though it's just factory and building lights). Any thoughts on the foreground and exposure? Like I said, I have several captures less exposed and several more exposed so I definitely have a variety to choose from and they are all RAW.
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I think that a longer exposure would have given a better result, also the depth of focusing can be improved to catch more aproached details. 6/5 Ciao!


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Great photo Tyler, I was looking at these bridge photos the other day. I think that "foggy night" is my favorite, just because the grass is a little more in focus and there is a better reflection in the water. But they are all great photos. I think that the lighting of the bridge in all of them is perfect. i wonder if a graduted ND filter could have lightened the lower half of the photo.
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Pop-Are you referring to depth of focusing or depth of field? What details do you think are not sharp that should be? I would be very interesting in hearing your input. By the way, I have this exact shot from a tripod bracketed in 1/3 to 2/3 stops about 2 or 3 stops in each direction so have just about every exposure you can think of. The problem with longer exposures is that the cables of the bridge get blown out (see some of the shots in the same folder--there are a variety of exposures).


Mark--Thank you very much for your comments...I agree! And, yes, I personally think a ND filter may improve the shot (although I'm told I can do this effect very easily in photoshop since I have RAW files and widely bracketed exposures). I have struggled significantly with how this shot "should" look. As I look at longer and longer exposures it looks better and better but then I look back and realize that it doesn't really look like a night shot eventually. So, I'm trying to find the balance between still being a night shot but getting appropriate detail. Your input is very valuable in this process. If you have a chance, please take a look at some of the similar shots and let me know what you think about those exposures. One of them (I forget which one) even has an in depth discussion of ND filters, which you may find very interesting. Since you brought up the idea too, I'd love to have your input. Thanks again!

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I think you have a great ethic for your art Tyler. I admire the persistence that you focus on working a shot and learning and re-shooting. this is fantastic work. the bridge is absolutely beautiful. but what sets this version apart from the earlier ones is the FG composition with just enough detail to make out the marsh grass against the water. the sky is way more dynamic with the fog diffusing the upper bridge lights upward in an echo of the spans themselves. way to go my friend. regards, J.K.
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