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Dessert time


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I will dedicate this to my friend Jeff. Sumptous chocolate pastry

followed by refreshing citrus and berry sorbet accompanied by French

almond and butter cookies. This was taken on an Air France flight

from Paris to Montreal.

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Ah, thanks buddy. Do you know how embarrassing it is to lick the screen? Again, too much information??


I'm glad this sumptuous chocolate beauty brought back-up. In person, their lives would be sweet, but short-lived.

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Who is your booking agent that you are served such things on your trip? I'm dodging baby drool on one side of me and the onion breath/unbrushed teeth from the gluttonous miscreant snoring in the seat on the other side of me...! And you're up in first class eating these, probably humming as you go, charming the stewardesses.... Watching a Claude Lelouch film....licking your fingers... waiting for your next course?...Next time, we trade tickets....


....without champagne, I'm not interested, so there! (she says, eating her scrumptious apricot hamantash, sipping her Turkish coffee with her pinky out in proper form in the middle of the night, listening to the crickets serenade her...)


What's the next course on the menu?

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Thanks Julie, Jeff and Donna. Jeff - please don't get electrocuted licking your TV screen. I don't want to live with that guilt. Donna - Next course? Good things come to those who wait. It's going to be a surprise! My dear Donna, sorry to disappoint but this proletariat cannot afford First class, this is only Business. It's what I call the "pretender" cabin. ;)
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if Jeff gets to lick the screen then so do i. great composition. the 3:1 ratio works well for me. 1 for you, 3 for me. its lunch time damn it. 6/6 anon. take care, J.K.
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Hey J.K. - let me guess...you want the chocolate one, right? in the spirit of sharing I will bow to your wishes my friend. Thanks for the rating. Nothing like a little visual foreplay to open one's appetite.
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Sigh! Adan, I sweared to eat less sweets. Now, you make me weak :) These look interesting.
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Adan, I tried to upload a pic with this comment but don't know how. It is in regard to your pastries here. Thought I'd reciprocate.... How do I do this?



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Hey Donna. Sorry, I'm "technically challenged" so my guess is as good as yours. Instead of uploading the picture I just paste the URL link, that's the only way I know.
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Drats! (Is that even a word? Maybe it's Rats! But is that fair to rats?...) Sorry--punchy from too much work! It's not a good pic--really not focused or anything, but I thought you'd enjoy it . hmmm.... Let me think what to do. (I mean the pic I want to post is not good--I'm NOT referring to the one above. That one is splendid!)
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Better not be my picture that is bad! haha! ;) C'mon Donna, how can something coming from you not be good? Pleaseeee! How can a sunshine be gloomy?
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@Donna - After you "CONFIRM" your comment another "UPLOAD" button will show up, where you can locally search for the specific file, which you want to add to your comment. (eg. image, pdf, txt-file )

Hope, that was your question.
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