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Burano Dusk


EOS 5D, 17-40 f4L @ f16 for 10 secs

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David--This picture is spectacular. It is one of, if not THE best night/low light shot I've seen on this web site! A big congratulations! Your composition is superb--things head towards a vanishing point of sorts and your eye gets to "float" down the canal into the picture. Your mix of artificial and natural light is very pleasing, as are the colors in the composition. Furthermore, your exposure hit the nail on the head---not so long that lights are blown out or it doesn't really look like night, but long enough to get details in every part of the shot. I just started trying to shoot night photographs last week. I've obtained some decent results so far, but this shot is now my "gold standard" of how I'd like my shots to look. If you have a minute, please do drop by my portfolio and give me a tip or two on my night/low light shots--I would really appreciate that! You obviously have a firm grip on this type of shot and I'd love to learn more from you. I check out your portfolio and see much more of the same--I have to run along now but I will definitely be back later to comment on shots and study them so I can learn some things and improve my own work. Thank you for sharing this--you are getting 7/7 from me, but I'm going to go through "rate recent" and do it anonymously so it will count towards your ranking average. Once again, a spectacular shot!
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No too much work, firstly there was an alteration in white balance to make the lamps a little less yellow, secondly I then corrected the verticals which were ever so slightly leaning, then playd around with contrast and levels. Thats about it. The timing was totally crucial though, the sky couldnt be too dark or light.


Tyler thanks very much for the kind words and rating my shot to get my ratings up not that I ever get anywhere with photo.net due to its' stupid system. Take a look at some of the other low light stuff I do in my portfolio, I'll take a look at yours too.

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The hint of the colour on the horizon and the beautiful blue night sky are the perfect backdrop for this classic scene. Maybe not a 7/7 scene for everyone but the person who rated this 3/3 should go buy himself a camera, putting it politely.
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Could anybody say why is this an average or below average (as some think) photo? I know we are always with the same problem, but... Perhaps my photos are worth ratings like those but this one not. Everything is great here. Exposure, colours, composition ( with the moon in a very interesting place that adds a touch to the photo) and the luck of those boats apearing so crisp.


Congrats, David, and go on with your good work.

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The abuses of the rating system are a serious problem. I don't know how anyone could think this is average or below average. But then, I used the word "think." This is a very well put together shot, and the moon in the sky tops it off.
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Absolutly outstanding! The atmosphere is quiet magical. I really impressed by the colors (the blue is wonderfull) and composition. Thanks for this wonderfull shot. It's a pleasure to see it. Congrats, Pascal.
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I can't say anything new that has not been said before, so with that in mind I give you a big applause and a standing ovation.
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Burano is one of the most special places I have ever visited and you have captured the beauty and magic wonderfully. Superbly executed and presented. Very well done.
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One of the best night shots that I've come across on PN. Every little detail adds to the beauty of this magical moment. Well done, David. Best regards.
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Greetings David; Yes it all has been said in comments before mine was posted, but this is one of the most masterfully shot low light pictures I have seen on PN. The reflections on the water and low light in the sky (with the colors still in the sky) are about as perfectly timed a shot as any could have been taken. 7/7
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Beautifully captured..wonderful saturation, love the still waters and reflections and teh lovely sky. Great DOF and framing. The kind of shot that has been done (or more exactly attempted) many times but seldom this well. Congratulations!
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This is definitely one of the best dusk/evening photgraphs I have seen. Having the perfect light conditions helps to have both the walls as well as the sky at correct exposure. But your metering/exposure must have been spot on as you could not have done too much later.



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A stunning piece of photography David.


I visited Burano when in Venice over a year ago and I'm kicking myself for not staying later in the day like you did. Like all the aspects of this image.


All the best and welcome to PN.



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