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Really love it, Cristina! Such doll-likeness and seriousness at the same time.. Only the breast looks kind of... hairy in this processing :)) ..
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woouw, another horror day in Romania, Cristina...

(just kidding). great idea, and again perfectly executed.. cheers Jana

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Neil : I'm glad you feel the surreal element, I have the same sensation when looking at it

Rob, Bob, Jesper, Biswajit, thank you for stopping by and leaving your impressions.

Katja : I think it's because of the frame and wall texture :) the quality of the original photo was not very good so I thought that applying textures on it would help :) You really got the point with the doll-likeness and seriousness interpretation ;) thank you !

Jana : :)) Thank you for the comment. Well, maybe it can be scary, even if the scary idea was not in my intention;) However, one can wonder if the hand belongs to the same being whose half-face is in the image...When I did this, I was thinking of suspense, hide-and-seek playfulness, self-discovery(in the seriousness way that Katja mentioned ;) ), presentiment, half-awareness...and, of course, the blindfold idea :) I wish it had been better executed but the resolution of the original pic was disastrous - this as an excuse :))

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fumbling for.. whatever. The hand conveys that feeling very well, without blindfolding the eyes. I like it.


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I?ve seen many messages of you in my pictures, so, looking to your gallery, i?m crazy!! Your work is simply fantastic!!! Masterpieces!!! This image is the most strong image i?ve seen last times! Looks a painting! Now, please, tell me... how do you get this fantastic effects? Is it photoshop? Or other software? Please, teach me, how to get this fantastic effects.

Incredible your work! Congrats!!

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A surrealistic work, where the viewer can find different interpretations (but that's what characterizes also the great surrealistic painters). The overall impression for me is one of 'sad memories'

A strong image

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Rina : Thank you very much for your comment, I'm glad you like the image ;)

Jef : Thank you, I am glad, as always, to read your interpretations, it means a lot :)

Paulo : Thank you, I feel flattered that you appreciate my work. In fact I still have so much more to learn :) And I also need more time for this, but this is another story:)

For this image I used only Photoshop, I generally use only Photoshop.(For Elegance of Evil and A night like this I used Terragen or Bryce, I don't remember exactly which one for which one... I think I used 4 images for this one (a picture with my face, one with the hand, one for the wall texture and one for the frame) First I blended the images with the face and hand-so I had at the beginning two layers, I double-clicked on the layer with the hand>then I chose from Blend Mode the solution that looked better-here you can try them all, to see which one suites better the image you have in mind, which one is more pleasant graphically speaking.

Another thing : for the painting effect, like aquarelle, I like to use the Healing Brush Tool or Spot Healing Brush Tool. To see the Tools menu(if you don't see it already) click up on Window>Tools. In the Tools menu, Spot Healing and Healing Brush Tool can be found if you right-click on the little icon that resembles a bandage. Using these tools you can make objects in photos disappear and blend shapes and colors more efficiently. You can also add colors using the Brush tool(next to the bandage icon), and then use these two tools I've just mentioned-to blend the colors, I like the watercolor effect they create. To make the colors more bright, more interesting, you can use Dodge and Burn, to get shadow-effects. For Dodge/Burn, right-click on the little hand which is also in the same Tools menu. After you choose Dodge, for example, you have some options (up), in Range, and you can choose there between Midtones, Shadows and Highlights. These three are available also for Burn tool.

To feel more comfortable I advise duplicating the layer you work upon-and working on the copy, so that you can return to the original version if the result does not satisfy you or if you want to make a comparison between how it was before and what you have achieved.

To see the layers (if you don't see them), click on Window > Layers. You will have a window with 3 tabs (Layers, Channels, Paths) - I have Photoshop CS2 Version 9.0. In Layers, you will see all your layers. The eye in front of each layer means that the layer is visible. To duplicate a layer, you have to select it, by clicking on it (so that it would appear highlighted among the other layers)-make sure that it has the eye in front of it. Then go up in the menu, click on Layer>choose Duplicate layer and you will have a copy to work upon.

On the final image you can try different variations, to see if you can get more interesting tones. For this I advise opening the JPEG format(that you would have previously saved), then go up, click on Image>Adjustments>and then you have many options. I like especially the Photo Filter option, but you can also play with Variations, Hue/Saturation etc.

I hope I managed to be explicit in describing a bit what I've been doing in PS for this image. Or maybe I was too explicit telling you things that you already knew :)

For this manipulation I used very few effects because I did it quickly and did not use special brushes. And the original pic (the one with my face) had a very low resolution so this is why I "cheated" with textures :)

Thank you all once more for your feedback and have a happy day ;)

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Love it dear Cristina :) SO graet colors on your face and I like especially your beautiful illuminated hand :) The title is very appropriate :)



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