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Corn & Bricks


I dont remember the exposure here. I liked the contrast between the patterns in the corn & the bricks.

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PLEASE CRITIQUE...Comments appreciated.

I have gotten so many differing opinions on this shot I dont know

what to do with it.

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You asked for it! hahaha. IMO I think you have used elements that work very well together - both in texture and in colour! So kudos for that. But the composition doesn't "excite" me. Perhaps you should experiment - hug yourself up to the wall and go at it from a different angle rather than straight on. And play with different DOF. Get a little closer to the corn and make that your focal point - right now it hard to tell what the focus is - the bricks or the corn? I hope this helps - it is worth playing with it because as I say - these elements are very beautiful and work very well together. I hope I have not discouraged or insulted your work. Regards,
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Thanks for the suggestions. Yours is the kind of critique that I (and I hope everyone on this site) hope for when I post a photo. You have been very constructive & your comments make alot of sense. Since I will probably never return to where this shot was taken, I will try to play with the DOF in PS to change the focal point & see where that takes me.


Again, thanks for the comments. Keep it up, it really helps.



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