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Redeye Frog - Jump


Major awards: Nature's Best (Highly Honored in 2004 international contest - published in 2004 Fall Issue Collector's Edition).

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Super excellent!!! Isn't this the cover for "Ranger Rick" wildlife magazine for youngster? My daughter loves it! Keep it up.
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WOW! Talk about timing...Bravo for being able to capture the action with clarity and color being right on.Well done
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Sorry Mark, but this looks a lot like a red-eyed tree frog climbing onto a pane of glass. When red-eyed treefrogs jump they must fully extend their hind legs and they typically do this simultaneously. Secondly, the toe pads look compressed as they would be on a pane of glass. Finally, the low-angle of the posterior suggests that the animal is hanging rather than propelling itself forward.
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First, I do not check pnotonet for more then year now. I do not receive alerts about new comments as well. I just saw those new comments by accident (in fact surprise that so many people found this photo on one day).


Second, I do not have reasons to make stories. My main interest in photography is (and always was) to document behavior of animals I study at given moment.


This frog jumped and, almost accidentally, I pressed the shutter on my first PS digital camera. Yes, glass panel of the terrarium was between us. Yes, a couple of toe pads were touching the glass at the moment photo was taken. But after that frog landed on glass and then slowly slide down. There was no climbing, clinging, hanging, etc.


Attached image not only shows one example of my main interests in photography but also shows what I will do to people who accused me of the lie. :)


Best, Mark

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